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18/05/2011 Linguistics Socio Linguistics

Check page 68 languages and the brain Lateralizacin: estudio de la especializacin de cada parte del cerebro y sus funciones. Find a brain with the language parts of the brain Read points 1, 2, 3 pages 70 and 71


Pages 70 and 71 If you have brain damage you loss first L2 because Inteligencia es la capacidad de abstraer los conocimientos.

25/05/2011 Pag 82-84 sex, motivation 31/05/2011

Pages 86, 87, 88 Instrumental Motivation: is for work, studies, travelling, prestige Integrative Motivation: is for sentimental reasons, e.g. for romantic needs Cognitive Style: it refers how you process and understand information. It has to be how to perceive but also how it relates. Holistic: Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. Concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts.

Denotacin: significado real. Connotacin: significados anexos. Ej: perro significa amigo. Nos comunicamos a travs de los sentidos. Parole: speech in context Palabras que significan bueno:


Bacn, mortal, filete, la raja, pulento, chori, brbaro, divino, chido, chulo, cool, perfect, slido, esta del corte, est de vio, Wendy. Una palabra adquiere nuevo significado solamente si se identifica como distinta en el lenguaje.

15/06/2011 Spinster solterona 29/06/2011 Microteaching Time: Objective: Date Content Activities 1.- Introduce the topic 2.- Text 3.- Comprehension Material 20 minutes

4.- Experience 5.- Conclusion Step by step a) Teacher introduces the topic b) Teacher asks students to read the text by asking collecting reading.

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