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Banked curve

We suppose that the vehicle describes a path to circulate of the radio R with constant speed v. The forces acting on the mobile are: weight the reaction of the road the friction force.

As there is balance in the vertical direction, the reaction of the plane is equal to the weight N = mg Applying Newton's second law to the motion in the radial direction Fr = man Fr = m (v2 / R)

As the speed v increases, it increases the frictional force Fr until it reaches a maximum value given by the product of the static friction coefficient by the reaction of the plane N. Then the maximum speed V the vehicle can achieve that describes a circular curve of radius R is m (v2 / R) = N v = ( gR)

Consider now the case where the curve has a cant angle . Consider the problem from the point of view of the inertial observer. The forces acting on the body are the same as in the case of the curve without cant, but in different orientation except weight. The weight mg The friction force Fr The reaction of the plane N

In the figure on the left shows the strength and the right figure has been replaced the friction force Fr and the reaction of the plane N by the simultaneous action of rectangular components. One of the difficulties that students have correctly positioned is the normal acceleration, an often put it parallel to the incline, instead of horizontally. Then they show that the circumference described the vehicle is a conic section cut by a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cone and thus the center of this circle is located on said plane and the apex of the cone . On the vertical axis there is no acceleration, we have a balanced

On the horizontal axis, we apply Newton's second law for uniform circular motion

The vehicle starts to slide in the radial direction, when carrying such a rate that Fr = N . In the system of two equations

solve for the maximum speed v which can bring the vehicle to safely describe the curve

Universidad de Guanajuato Campus Celaya- Salvatierra

Ingeniera Civil Dinmica


Jessica Vsquez Mndez Hernndez Silva Mara Fernanda Gutirrez Garca Vctor Onamy

Septiembre 2013

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