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Chang Lucy Liu FSCN 3732 September 23rd, 2013 Reflection on Doctor Ravi Menons Presentation I wasnt sure

what to expect from Dr. Menons presentation besides that it was to give information of some significance to this Food Service Operations Management course, since Professor Marquart was offering it to us for extra credit. Upon walking in, I was surprised by the size and diversity of the audience. I realized that his presentation must be of interest to not only undergraduate students, but faculty members, staff, graduate students, and likely people outside of those categories. Doctor Menons presentation was titled, The Multi- Dimensional Role of Food & Nutrition Scientists, and was a personal reflection of sorts on his experiences working in the fields of food and nutrition science. When I was transferring from the College of Science & Engineering to study Nutrition in CFANS, I conducted a significant amount of research in careers and work of those who studied food science and nutrition. Most of that research was done by talking to career counselors, searching online, and perusing resources at the career center. To hear about an individuals experiences in this area of work after he has already walked through many of them was a type of resource that I had never learned from. In that way, Dr. Menons

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