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;Type the following command in the command prompt and press enter: ;COMMAND 1: dtsrun /s cnstnt-hp5k /u sa /p suganya /n global_var_test

/a GV1PATH:8=\\Ac-asce ntial\ascential\Projects\TEST1\Data\VALTEST.txt /a GV2SQLSTMNT:8="select * from [diagnostix].[dbo].[AM0504A1] where [ddate] < getdate()" SELECT * FROM [Diagnostix_STAGE].[dbo].[VALUSOURCE_ITEM_MASTER] ;/s server name ;/u user ;/p password ;/n name of the package ;/a global variable ;and so on ;there are other parameters available.Chek out this command(DTSRUN) in the sql h elp file for more info. ;COMMAND 2: ;Type the following command in the command prompt and press enter: dtsrunui IT will open a UI which will guide you. dtsrun /s DATABAYDST /u SUGANYA /p suganya /n DXINP_VS /a GV1PATH:8=\\Ac-ascenti al\ascential\Projects\TEST1\Data\VALTEST.txt /a GV2SQLSTMNT:8="SELECT * FROM [D iagnostix_STAGE].[dbo].[VALUSOURCE_ITEM_MASTER]"

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