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Name ____________________________

Date ______________

Period _______

The French Revolution: From Revolution to the Reign of Terror 1. Who became Frances moral compass? What was his nickname? 2. What does Louis XVI do to break the bond he had with his subjects? 3. In addition to liberty, equality, and fraternity, what other three things does Robespierre work tirelessly to achieve? 4. What was the guillotine also known as? Who were its victims? 5. As a symbol of rejecting the aristocratic tradition, what did revolutionaries refuse to wear? What did they call themselves? 6. What new name does the National Assembly adopt? 7. Who motivated people to fight the Austrians and Prussians at the border? 8. What happened during the September Massacre? (Explain in detail.) How many people were killed? 9. Why did the Jacobins want to kill the king? 10. As the Jacobins become more violent, which group tries to slow down the revolution for fear of a civil war? 11. Who does Charlotte Corday blame for the rising violence in France? What does he become in death? 12. What were the three charges against Marie Antoinette? 13. Explain what happens in the Terror. 14. What was the name of the court that tried those accused of plotting against the revolution? 15. What was the twelve-man council that ruled France as a collective dictatorship? 16. Whose power did Jacques Rene Eber want to destroy? 17. How many days were in one week on the new revolutionary calendar? 18. What was the name of the new society Robespierre was molding through terror? 19. Which former activist of the Terror is executed for trying to stop the Terror? 20. What new religious holiday does Robespierre declare on June 6, 1794? What happened to his reputation at this event? 21. What leads to Robespierres arrest and ultimate execution? 22. What was the French Revolution a model of?

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