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a note from ANDREW WARNER
Have you ever wanted to do something that you knew made sense and still
couldnt bring yourself to do it?
Youre not alone. Thousands of people listen to my interviews with top
entrepreneurs, and they dont implement what theyve learned. Many of
them were stopped by one thing, and its the same thing that once held
me back, too.
After I started a successful online greeting card business, I decided to build
an invitation site. I knew it was important to talk to customers before I
built anything. My entrepreneur friend Jon used invitation sites a lot and
complained about them constantly. He was the perfect guy to talk to, right?
But I didnt talk to Jon. I thought, who am I to ask Jon for feedback? I dont
even have a site yet. Or what if he thinks my new idea is dumb, and then
he thinks Im stupid?
So I didnt talk to Jon or to anyone else. Instead, I gave in to those. I call those
unwanted and untrue thoughts Counter Mind thoughts and for much of
my life they held me back from doing what I wanted. Because those Counter
Mind thoughts kept me from asking for feedback, when I launched my site,
it bombed. Nobody used it.
After that, I made it my mission to gure out how to diffuse the Counter
Mind and get in touch with thoughts that are true, useful and wanted. I
call these True Mind thoughts. My wife Olivia and I began working with
hundreds of entrepreneurs to develop a process to recognize and take action
on our True Mind thoughts.
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a note from ANDREW WARNER continued
And after working with hundreds of people, I found that there are four key
steps to bring out the True Mind.
1. Recognize your Counter Mind. What is it saying?
2. Question your Counter Mind. Are those thoughts even true? Do they
even matter?
3. Discover your True Mind. What thoughts are true, useful and wanted?
4. Strengthen your True Mind with a simple meditation exercise.
These techniques are so powerful that when I spoke about them at World
Domination Summit, more than 100 attendees emailed me afterward to
share their results. Here are some of their success stories.
Turn Self-doubt into Self-Condence
When I started my business, I was plagued by self-doubt.
Am I doing the right thing? Am I doing it the right way? Who do I think I am
to try this? Does this market opportunity really exist or am I making it up?
I was trying something new, and new things bring uncertainty. Uncertainty
leads to questioning, and those questions lead to doubt.
The self-doubt was starting to crowd out my passion, and I knew it was
limiting my chances of success.
But the True Mind Meditation grounded me. I hate to sound like Stuart
Smalley, but affirmations about being good enough, smart enough, and
likeable are surprisingly effective.
Now after I do the exercise, I feel reassured, re-energized, and confident
to move forward. Im forced to clear my head of the negativity that limits
my potential.
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Affirmations remind you that you can.
Tame the Monkey Mind
I was struggling to sit still. I felt like I didnt have time for anything.
But during the True Mind Experience, I felt a calmness come over me.
There was a warm and comforting energy that reached from my knees to
my fingertips, and I could tell something big was happening.
I made the commitment to perform the exercise every day. Before, I felt I
was too busy for something like that, but you just have to make the time.
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If something seems impossible, change your mindset.
Stop Panic Immediately
I was in the top three. I had to be at the stage door by 3 p.m., with an original
limerick to recite in front of 3,000 people.
I was thrilled. And then I started to panic.
Could I write a winning limerick with so little time? Could I recite it on
stage without stumbling through it or doing something stupid, like barfing?
I was a bundle of nerves. I fidgeted and bounced around in my seat, my
stomach in knots, completely unable to focus. And I desperately needed to
focus if I was going to pull this off.
Ive meditated for many years, so I tried some of my go-to mantras and
breathing techniques, but they didnt work. Then the True Mind Meditation
came to mind. I did the exercise, and my breathing calmed. I was functional
My limerick came to me almost immediately (whew!). This physical process
was the only thing that helped me focus.
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When youre freaking out, anchor your mind to something physical.
Decide How You Want to Feel
I went through a divorce and have struggled to make ends meet as an entre-
preneur on my own. The stress about money has been hard to manage, and
Ive second-guessed my business direction a number of times.
So when I got the opportunity to do the True Mind Meditation, I was all
in. I chose my mantra for the year: I help thousands of women be free.
As I did it, I felt tingly and lit-up, yet clear and focused. At that moment, I
committed to practicing daily.
The exercise is all about focusing on what you want to feel, so it helps me stay
centered and not get overwhelmed. Im so grateful for this presentation at
World Domination Summit, and I cant wait to check in next year, when my
ebook, workshop, and my speaker platform will be solidly in place!
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Focus on what IS working instead of what isnt working yet.
Face the Fear of Rejection
I struggle with the fear of rejection, like cold calling potential clients and
even teaching my classes.
But when I did the True Mind Meditation, I decided my mantra was I
bring others joy.
Then I had this epiphany:
Wait, if I bring joy, and Im reluctant to share that and put it out there, then
Im being a joy hoarder!
I realized that Im helping people by giving them a chance to have what I
can offer. When I get up in front of a class, the students are there because
they want to have fun. They want all the joy I can bring. Theyre not there
to judge me, they want to rock it.
This has radically shifted my approach to every call I make and every class
I teach. When I start feeling nervous, I focus on that mantra for a minute
and my energy totally changes. This week, I taught my best class to date!
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Use your mantra to change your focus away from nervousness and
towards confidence.
Accept the Past and Move Forward
My entire life, I relied upon a very simple formula:
(extremely hard work) + (operating with great integrity) = success
That formula worked very well for me. I attended the right schools, got the
right grades, and got the right jobs.
In 2010, my dream of breaking a music artist into the mainstream was
about to come true. And then it didnt. The person I thought was my partner
absconded with the artists, and my dream was crushed.
I couldnt understand how it happened. Hadnt I abided by the formula?
I wanted to move forward and focus on the positive, but my mind kept
dragging me into the past and down negative rabbit holes.
After learning about True Mind Meditation, I realized that I had been al-
lowing my Counter Mind to fill me with so much fear and negative energy
that I was burying my True Mind, and in doing so, I was losing myself.
I started to understand that my success formula was an illusion, something
I had invented to avoid facing the fact that I had no control over any external
circumstances and no control over anyones behavior other than my own.
Thanks to the True Mind exercise, Ive let go of my formula for life, and
instead embraced vulnerability, acceptance, and unlimited possibility.
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Let go of rigid formulas for success so you can embrace unlimited
possibilities instead.
Quash the Fears that Hold You Back
I couldnt work up the nerve to leave my day job.
I work for a big brand leading their mobile marketing strategy. They love me
there. Im doing well, I love the brand, and I like the people. I could totally
stay there, if I didnt have this burning desire to make my side business a
full-time gig.
The problem was that I was too afraid of failing and not being able to pay the
bills. I wasnt confident in my skills or ready to make the sacrifices I needed
to make, like selling my house and simplifying my life.
During the True Mind Meditation, I continually told myself that I am capa-
ble. Ive become at peace with taking a big risk and making a big change in
my life to pursue my passion. Im selling my house in a few weeks, renting
a smaller apartment that costs less money, and selling things I dont need
to lower my living expenses.
Ive given myself a deadline of January to leave my job and dive into the
new year on a mission. Im super stoked for the new journey. I can finally
welcome it into my life.
The True Mind meditation helped me stop being afraid of the life I dont
want so I can finally start living the life I want.
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Your Counter Mind will cripple you. Your True Mind puts you in con-
Find the Courage to be Dierent
I was living the American dream. I did everything I was supposed to do:
get a job, buy a house, fill the house with stuff, buy a bigger house, fill it
with more stuff.
But I wasnt happy.
Yet despite feeling unfulfilled, I was too scared to dare to be different, of
disapproval from others. And I wasnt even sure how or what to change. So
there was just a little spark there, a desire for something different.
During World Domination Summit, that spark transformed into a wildfire.
When I did the True Mind Meditation, my personal statement was that
people will love me for who I am. In the weeks following World Domination
Summit, I internalized that belief, and it was such a liberating feeling. As
the months have gone by, it has become a symbol of the world I still have to
explore, of the amazing people I have yet to meet, and of the self-actualiza-
tion that I strive to achieve. Its a constant reminder to stay focused on the
big picture and to do one thing every day that keeps that wildfire burning.
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Only you can hold yourself back.
Overcome Paralysis by Analysis
Im very good at task management, but have a tendency to get overwhelmed.
And being overwhelmed leads to anxiety and paralysis by analysis.
But when I acknowledge my negative Counter Mind thoughts and focus
more on my positive True Mind thoughts, it gets me past the paralysis. Im
able to move forward with more awareness, which makes me more efficient
and effective.
The True Mind Meditation experience has cemented my belief that aware-
ness is the biggest prerequisite to being truly productive.
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The real secret to productivity: awareness of your own thoughts.
Seize More Opportunities
I struggled with accepting help from others.
So during the True Mind Meditation, I chose the statement I am strong
and competent, deserving of help.
I did it for a week, and surprise! I started getting opportunities to accept
help from new sources. And not only was I receiving offers of help, but I was
more accepting of help, too.
Its a long journey, but the journey has begun.
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Opportunities will come with you open your mind to their possibility.
Find Ease in the Unpleasant
I struggled with the little things. As a business owner, there are a lot of small
tasks I have to perform, and they made me tense.
After learning about True Mind Meditation, I created two mantras. Every
morning, I read this aloud: Every interaction has some joy in it. Its up to
me to find the joy and possibly expand on these feelings. And every night,
I read this aloud: I will let go of any worries and relax every muscle before
and during my sleep.
This simple practice helped me find the joys in every little task. Its been so
effective that Im going to do a 30-day challenge: meditating for 10 minutes
each day.
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To change the situation, change yourself.
True Mind is a mission to help people break free
from their limiting mindset. More information
can be found on

Designed by James Pan

Edited and Curated by April Dykman
Produced by Andrew Warner, Olivia Khalili, and Sachit Gupta.
Many thanks to Chris Guillebeau and the World Domination
Summit team for the opportunity to share the True Mind mission.

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