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October 2013


Government System of Egypt

In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte conducted expedition in Egypt and Egypt started to establish the system of modern state. Muhammad Ali became a governor of Egypt and Egyptian people were under the rule of his power. After that, Egypts government built the Suez Canal with French government in 1869. Though it took a lot of funds and Egypts financial department was bankrupted and the system was collapsed. Then, it led Englands invading into Egypt. Eventually, Egypt became a protected nation of England. However, free officer corps as Egyptian secret organization attempted coup in 1952 and they built Republic of Egypt. As a result, Republicanism began from that time.

Expedition in Egypt

Muhammad Ali (1769?~1849)

Rebellion in 2011:
Arab Spring
The democratic movement happened at Egypt in 2011 and the Mubarak government lost their right to dominate the area and citizens. He has kept dictatorship for 20 years.

Egyptian parliament is the single-chamber system and it has Consultative Assembly of Qatar which does not have the legislative power. In addition, it was prohibited to build a party which is based on specific religious after destroying Mubarak government.

Rebel in Cairo (Egypt)

Election in Egypt

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