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1 Say and write your words first using a pencil. Then trace over the vowels with a red crayon and the consonants with a blue crayon. 4 Visit

2 Visit

3 Make your own dot cards (2 of each number) and use them to play a Memory Game with someone at home. 6 Fill in the missing numbers. ____, 6, ____, 8, 9, ____, 11, ____, 13, ____, ____.

to play Splat Square that practices your number sense skills. Our current focus is up to 20. 5 Choose 4 of your words for this week and write a silly sentence for each word: do, it, yes, help, this

And watch the Vowel Movie.

7 Look in your kitchen for numbers. On the back of this paper, draw to show where you found numbers in your kitchen.

8 Make matching number and number word cards and play Go Fish with someone at home.

9 Using sidewalk chalk, go outside and practice printing your weekly words (you can practice your numbers, too).

I will complete the following activities to get 3 in a row: #_____, #_____ and #_____

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