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WILLIAM LANSON’S s | : * 5 oe ‘iy, BOOK, OF SATISRACEION: TO. THE. PUBLIC. NEW HAVEN 1845, st © WILLIAM LANSON'S STATEMENT, year 1843, 4. Stowe ¢ teint nd nec his house-keeping, for the last five years, Zi 2% Stoning te god arnt a i one the ackoowledimente of ey aco i an See ‘he has heen kept in,Jail a69 a inthe Is reo years, th reason of which the, reader must find out, fore docs not know, 5. Showing that the murder of Park amansin bis house, ae Was without any eamse. ~ STATEMENT. 1 is oll understood by some, that 1 carried ‘on tho Wharf Building and Livery Stable business = Brill 1813, when I ad fll and hurt mo to that de- | that Lwas obliged to givelt up, aud on account Pisses by hve and other way, 1 lgwe been obliged 10 oocupy some sine places forthe purpose of selling, Glothing. and. other small motion, (© suppoct mysell ad ai. T have been fn the way of geting place iar where the sailors comme, becuuye. some of them eve ta my debt. I have beca is this business, more Ur less for about five years.) [did not expect to ake Tuc but asi hopes of ming a ving, ot moduing tolnitinge on the rolesaf the clty in the Yeast My family i, snd generally has beon, stall, Fatouid nt thin, faking the whole five youre that I Have averaged. more than pur in my fully — Uprto te 280 of April, 1848, the police had. not fapubled me, sbout® have made siiving. When {is last misfortune took plaon,T il paid up my rent {othe Friday before, ond s fot as Lhad gone cues ored to pay. The next. week Lipeant to hove gone Ito the loihing business al "The have been a great many ‘without she Teast onttion, but Lean to saisy the Shp and some of te publi, that my desire hos Deen hd to break the rules of the ety, But to keep every thing as orderly as possible.” Thore bas not been a fight in any of ny housekeeping inthe last five years ror game of ean played, Lid not keep any of A 2 . Ys gay young company, and but very few of an ster and for searonce to mate T sea alo all on Mr. Jesse Knevals oo of Mee St sen, the liz now in vo oe ingman,,-Me.R. has paid greet dttentae? cuter looked aid sven for hing thet ovary nee ee penre Rothe utp of wlio, te isk ve years was all right tall tna te dd feveral cer men with hina fee ery __ him to eal at my honee three times na de Abont two yeare ago Tept a house oie hil easy a mile fom the Greeny where {dig ae he of keoping any shop, bt he was on the pee Pine blow high low hall or eno sagt ate ; shout 1 sleek atta sone con Kote a the fot door gach sn ty oe doe aan cue ue Roe, aa wt Than ing mf se Gu dors Hab al ch ea eth ever thing wn all eh aa tar weg sheave sale Bets ie ragga hag making my ose a ga aa io take lights and ook al ove ae ee eee ae the eset and when thy came doggone pla Sy come aon spp a Mca broom or andi woe Peng, unlacedhis nd aw designe, Eabrape Only dees wh loeb tho een wae ab ihe "Br cra had agit a ha al f ¥ ie ee pi eg +s > thing wo for the Instfive years. Ho nover told me what they'were looking for, but sometimes asked me if such snd stich amtices had not been left or 318 ‘em they ad lag sl a go an at onge. The lass ardele he took from Tos was & ew coat Lad paid six dollars for that wes soles, fand be took it sway.” Ihave given up a yood many Anil tnt were slender ting stolen, T notify some ollcer immediately. There were fovoral taken from my house by myseteeting thee Stoaling is what Ido nothold to. “Phere was gens fleman that lost about sixty doliars, and he nosed te, describing the man, and 1 got over kity-five dole Tar and the roguo,."T thine 1 Inight do a good deal in this way forthe town, as have bad a pry good experience in buman nature for ihe last 30° years, Bot s ‘Mr. Knovale has sisted my. places day and night, ad has not found the least thing against ‘ny place T have oocupied fbr the lst. tve yest ope that the readers and hearers of this will be sat, ised that T have kept a etter house than could De expected, which you will nd to be-all trues and it any porson or persons are ata loss about it asic Ms, Knovala, “I shall refer the city to all the coicers that have been in the way of loukiog for Thave something firther 10 state, which will give furor satisaction, that my intentions were to Keep asf a house asf could.” And this will show thet ny fread Knevals spares so pajus to attend to hit duty. Sometime last Janoary, there. was ©, Wornan, amie t0 my house aid wanted Stork, and my Wife Doing unahieto do any thing, and this person was a6. sdaninted withthe poli, and they with her, | Yld het i Looald ger their consent sho might say.’ Lid get their consent, and in about three days in the fest of the evening, she fell of from ive stairs and broke rd

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