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Google Maps For Your Apps Exercise Setup Instructions Before beginning any of the exercises you will

want to perform the following steps. 1. Install the Apache Web Server - This step is optional depending upon whether or not you already have access to a web server. If you do have access to a web server and prefer to use it then please feel free to do so. However, the exercises in this course assume that you will be using the Apache web server which will be installed on your local computer. In the c:\GeoSpatialTraining\Google Maps For Your Apps\Exercises directory you will find an installer file for the Apache Web Server. If you will be using this web server for your exercises please install the software on your local computer. This will create a directory called c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\. There will be multiple sub-directories under Apache 2.2, but the sub-directory you are interested in is the htdocs directory. 2. Test the Local Apache Web Server - After installing the Apache Web Server please open a web browser and navigate to: http://localhost/index.html. You should see the message "It works!". If so then everything is working as expected. If not, you may need to re-install or contact me directly at 3. Load Exercise Files - In the c:\GeoSpatialTraining\Google Maps For Your Apps\Exercises directory you will find a file called Please unzip this file to c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs or the main directory of whichever web server you happen to be using. 4. Verify Installation of Exercise Files - In C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs you should see a 'gmaps' directory. Inside this directory you should see and exercises and solution directory as seen below.

The solution folder contains code solutions for all the exercises you will be working on in this course. Please refer to the files in this folder if you run into problems getting your exercises to work. The exercises folder contains the files that you will be adding code to during the


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