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10/5/13 Great Expectations Mr. Griffin DN: Respond to the following quote in your notes.

Write one sentence about context and one about meaning. The very stars to which I then raised my eyes, I am afraid I took to be but poor and humble stars for glittering on the rustic objects among which I had passed my life (Dickens 145). Context (plot) What is happening at this point in the story? Meaning (character development) What does it say about the story? Aim: How does Pips perception of life change as he attains his great expectations? How does the novel express this change? Bildungsroman a story of a young person growing up. The story describes all the changes of mind and circumstance that a young person might experience. Tone the feeling expressed by the attitudes and speech of the characters e.g. Pips tone is expressive of all the changes he undergoes. As Pip arrives in London, he encounters people and places that force him to question his perspective on the world. Read the excerpt from chapter 21 in which Pip arrives at his first place of residence. 1) circle specific words that set the tone for his arrival (use the dictionaries to help) 2) how would you sum up the narrative tone (Pips tone) in this passage?

3) Highlight 3 specific phrases that support your summary of the tone Write a quick chart in your notes to show this connection Description of Pips tone Evidence from text

4) Read the passage from chapter 22 in which Pip meets the pockets. 5) Highlight words or phrases that show Pips attitude toward what he saw there. 6) Does Pips tone differ in this passage from the last? 7) How does Pips description of the Pocket household differ from the other houses he has known? Evidence? Ms. Havishams The Gargerys The Pockets

Final question: Has Pips perspective changed? What makes you think that it has or has not? Homework: Read through chapter 36 for Monday

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