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Good afternoon. Today I will be sharing with you my branding of the Dr.

Pepper Red Fusion product as it is going to be sold in Hong Kong soon. I think that our target market would be most successful if it was teenagers. Nowadays, lots of teens like to drink soda and all fizzy drinks, so I would suggest that our target audience be teenagers. As for the design and color of the product, I think that there is no need for that to change, as it is quite attractive as is. However, I think that the flavor of this product needs to change. The current flavor is cherry, but I dont think that the Hong Kong market would like that flavor. A few years ago, the company Coca-Cola invented a new cherryflavored Coca- Cola. The US market may have loved that flavor, but in Hong Kong, I think that it became unpopular. Therefore, I would suggest that we change the flavor to raspberry, to maintain the red theme. My marketing campaign idea for this product would consist of TV commercials, handing out flyers and coupons, and giving out free samples if costumers, go past shops that sell this product. For the TV commercials, I recommend we come up with a non-cartoon, humorous skit. Cartoons would only attract little kids, and I dont think thats what were going for at all. We could also help sponsor TV shows, or popular events and contests to help promote this drink to teens. Teenagers go on a lot of websites nowadays, so I would also suggest having online commercials as well as TV commercials too. Thank you for listening to my speech.

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