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1. Encouraging students to actively engage with ideas and evidence.

2. Challenging students to develop meaningful understandings.

3. Students are challenged to extend their understandings.

4. Students are encouraged to see themselves as mathematical and scientific thinkers.

The implementation of HOTS in Science education in primary school.

1. Students need to learn to make decisions about design, measurement and analysis. 2. Open ended investigations. Science processes and concepts of evidence

Students must be given a measure of control over the ideas that are discussed. Sharing intellectual control, or student centeredness

Inquiry based learning


1. The ability to frame and respond to argument. 2. Based on evidence.

1. Encouraging students to actively engage with ideas and evidence Involves students being challenged, and challenging each other. Encourage students to express their ideas, but to maintain a high standard of challenge and attention to evidence based on scientific tradition. Scientific processes fundamentally involve argument from evidence.

1. Based on students actively exploring and investigating and questioning. 2. Minds-on.

Student autonomy and responsibility for learning

Community of learners

Maximising studentstudent interaction

In terms of motivation or willingness to join in.

Social constructivism

Student dialogue

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