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1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Bank of Bengal was established in the year _____________ LIC is a kind of non-banking financial intermediary (TRUE or False) NBFC should register under _____________ ACT During the inflation, the Central bank ___________ the bank rate The RBI is banker to the government when it a) Controls the credit b) Advices the government c) Issues loans and treasury bills on behalf of the government 6) The practice of keeping cash with the central bank is compulsory in India (True or False) 7) ______________ bank keeps and manages the foreign reserves of the country 8) The central bank receives deposits and makes payment on behalf of the commercial banks (TRUE or False)

Bank place maitained by public setor banks which is authorized by RBI to keep currency for distribution
Quantitative credit control methods control the total quantity and cost of credit (True or False) In which method , the central bank prescribes the margin to kept for loans a) Direct Actions b) Rationing of credit c) Margin Requirements

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