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Dear Friends, Nowadays, we hear few bitter phrases ie brutal rape, marital rape, gang rape. And so on. Are we becoming beastly in nature?. Sex is divine, it has a greater effective ingredient called Consent, which makes the sex meaningful. SEX urge is quite natural, it is a fundamental right of every human in this planet. The concept is here, as human being attains maturity he/she seeks a partner to satisfy the needs & wants.Which should be in a defined manner. There are various dimensions to look minto come along my friend, AGE : Does age factor interferes sex related offences?, YES absolutely it affects, hence few experts suggest to reduce the age of consent for sex. MARRIAGE : Marriage plays vital role. History repeats itself, child marriage may be in existence in few years, because the wants are satisfies. Many experts suggests to reduce the age of consent for marriage. Early marriage should be encouraged by both side ie bride & groom. Because if there is restriction in society, like job, life settled, etc.. In those period he/she may get engaged in forbidden things. Else to be broad minded. SEX LIBERALISATION : Not only industries need a exposure, but even human. In India pornography is banned, prostitution is banned, We are not here to encourage the activity against culture. But there should be a creamy layer separating the good & bad.

Conclusion, Friends, here we should be clear that there should be a creamy layer to separate as, the people who are so addicted to sex ie play boy/slut, and the people who are blessed living normally. The freak-out personalities should be given space, where this doesnt happen they enter ones space.


BEASTS cannot be PETS. Nothing can be achieved through force or law, unless the process of introspection involves. This is called ALTERNATE/REFORMATIVE DISPUTE MECHANISM.

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