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Earnestine Smith Ms.

Lisa Scott ENG-0310 OCTOBER9, 2013 BYE LUCY

When I was eight years old I remember that I used to talk to this little girl' I live with my grandma and my mom 'and I would tell them that a little girl with light brown hair and two pigtails and green eyes And they would just brush me off. She told me her name was Lucy she told me that she was eleven years old and that this was her home. The house was built in the 1800s I told my mom and my grandma everything Lucy told me Lucy was possessive .when my mom would call me for dinner or something, she would beg me not to leave 'I always told her I had to go Later on she would be piss off at me 'she'd throw toys at me pinch me and hit me One time she even pulled my hair so hard that she'd pull a fistful of it out .Then my mom start to worry about the bruise start showing on me that Lucy given me Approaching my ninth birthday I remember taking a bath and Lucy was mad that day I can't remember what Id done to make her so angry 'she came in the bathroom and dunked my head under the water I couldn't breathe 'I have asthma I

splashed and kicked my feet and everything my grandma came to see what was wrong and she tried to pull me up Lucy was still pushing me down. My grandma call for my mom and Lucy became so aggravated by then she let out sort of this horrible screech and cried she left. My mother call for an exorcist the next day .I can't remember much of that day I sort of erase it from my memory .What I do remember is right before the priest was about to wash the house down with the holy water, I heard this little giggle in my ear. It was Lucy She whispering Goodbye, Becca it was really fun playing with you I'll miss you. So when I grew up older my mother gave me a sheet of paper 'It had some kids name on it and their birth dates under their names on it but Lucy died because she had a heart disease it had finally kill her, and her mother was so distraught that she kill herself 'I'd always wonder how come Mary didn't haunt me too .A few months later' on memorial day I visited Lucy grave site and her mother was buried right next to her. I was kind of scare to bend down and place the white roses on Lucy grave I guess I was scared that her little hands would pop up and drag me under 'But I somehow gathered the courage to do it. As I did I heard a little giggle in my ear' Thanks she said I turn around and ran.

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