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Differentiated Instruction

Learning Differences: Small groups will allow the instructors to keep watch of students progress. Instructors and peers will provide assistance wherever needed Attention Differences: This lesson incorporates stations making it fast paced and engaging. In addition students will be participating in both project and problem based learning which are both proven to be engaging for students. Motivational Differences: The lesson will be made relevant to students lives, using substances they encounter every day. Students will be further motivated by the fun, hands-on approach, of the lesson. Physical Differences: Stations will be set up in a way as to allow all students access. Students unable to do the hands on part of the lesson will be given the alternative Calculator assignment; allowing them to do the same lesson but in an accessible manner. Communication Differences: An aide or interpreter will be brought in for those students who need it. These students will also have the option of doing the alternate math lab assignment.

Sensory Differences: Handouts will be given to students with reading problems Behavioral Differences: Expectations for all students will be made clear and will be enforced. Students who do not meet classroom expectations will not be allowed to participate in the hands on project. Ability Differences: Scaffolding will be put into place to help students with ability differences, and groups will be heterogeneously mixed to allow support for all students. Cultural Difference: Examples will be cross-cultural and not secular making the material relevant to all students. The maths and sciences cross cultures and are universally understood.

Enrichment: Those students which excel in the lesson will be given additional more complex problems to solve. These models will provide a challenge in simplifying the problems

Multiple intelligence addressed (check all that apply): X X X Verbal/linguistic Spatial Logical/mathematical Bodily-kinesthetic Musical X X X Naturalist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Existential Others (explain):

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