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THIS BOOK IS ABOUT SEX. SEX IS NOT LOVE. LOVE 1S NOT SEX. BUT THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS IS CREATED WHEN THEY COME TOGETHER. YOU CAN LOVE GOD, YOU CAN LOVE THE PLANET, YOU CAN LOVE THE HUMAN RACE AND YOU CAN LOVE ALL THINGS, BUT THE BEST WAY FOR HUMAN BEINGS TO SHOW LOVE IS TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER. IT’S THE WAY WE SPREAD LOVE THROUGH THE UNIVERSE: ONE TO ONE. LOVE IS SOMETHING WE MAKE. PASS IT ON - THIS BOOK DOES NOT CONDONE UNSAFE SEN THESE ARE FANTASIES | HAVE DREAMED uP. LIKE MOST HUMAN BEINGS, WHEN | LET MY MIND WANDER, WHEN | LET MYSELF GO, | RARELY THINK OF CONDOMS. MY FANTASIES TAKE PLACE IN A PERFECT WORLD, A PLACE WITHOUT Alps. UNFORTUNATELY THE WORLD IS NOT PERFECT AND | KNOW THAT CONDOMS ARE NOT ONLY NECESSARY BUT MANDATORY. EVERYTHING YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE AND READ IS A FANTASY, A DREAM, PRETEND. BUT IF | WERE TO MAKE MY DREAMS REAL, | WOULD CERTAINLY USE CONDOMS. SAFE SEX SAVES LIVES. PASS IT ON + AND BY THE WAY. ANY SIMILARITY BETWEEN CHARACTERS AND EVENTS DEPICTED IN ; BOOK AND REAL PERSONS AND EVENTS 1S NOT ¢ Bi pure ‘i EON TNIA, IT’S RIDICULOUS. : UE. | MADE. IT ALL UP. 1 Bae Ee ru lovedl ‘Turn out the light. Pl be your SONCETESS, your heart’s magician. Tm not a witch. Tm a love technician. = Til be your euiding light 7 in your darkest hour. “a Tm gonna change your life. Tm like a poison flower. Give it up. Do as I say. Give it up and Jet me have my way, Ill give you love. Pil hit you like a truck, Pll give you love...... i | don’t see how a guy looking at a naked eirlina magazine is degrading to women. uveryone has their sexuality. It’s how you treat people in everyday life that counts, not what turns you on in your fantasy. If all a person ever did was get off on porno movies | would say they are probably dysfunctional sexually, but I dows think its unhealthy to be interested in that or get off on that. I’m not interested in porno movies because everybody is ugly and faking it and it’s just silly. They make me laugh, they don’t turn me on. A movie like In the Realm of the Senses turns me on because it’s real. I've been told there are some good Traci Lords movies but I’ve never seen them. | wouldn’t want to watch a snuff movie. | wouldn’t want to watch anyone get really hurt, male or female. But generally [ don’t think pornography degrades women. The women who are doing it want to do it. No one is holding a gun to their head. | don’t get that whole thing. | love looking at Playboy magazine yecause women look great naked. oe S pe genething ei amar aa ale out — ne Fi " Oe aan ie an eae : : MU ealce MO sme : shan ae olen oe ee Fn a) a {| hats peed) 7, maa, : eae eee Cen Te \ Ihe, Ti was Pee SSeteen renee eemperrtnnsts Cn oars Pars must be got Pat eae se hart Yau. tra ce dont tm nk You Hic he \what pare 1S. Lddogt- Fink pers Bore be i _ could bring you $0 eid 2\easure ry come L? a when you say, i ee hot gon ha hurt you Tus Elese 7° Oyes Sex with the young can be fun if you're in the mood. If you're feeling impatient or you feel like you want someone else to take charge, do not have sex with someone inexperienced. But it can be really arousing, One of the best experiences I ever had was with a teenage boy. | think he was a virgin. He hardly had any pubic hair. He was Puerto Rican. He was uncir- cumeised. He lived in my ale and he used to come over to my apartment all the time and just watch me put on my makeup and get ready to go out. He hung around me all the time. He never went to school, so I started giving him reading asin ld have him read out loud. Like Henry Miller’s The Tropic of Cancer or something really arousing. Whenever he got ready to leave he’d kiss me goodbye, but the kisses started pani nee and more daring on his part and I just went with it. Then one day his par- ents kicked him out of his apartment and he wanted to know if he could spend the night at my house. [told him he could but I only had one bed. So we both got in it and [ couldn't sleep, so I had sex with him and it was really awesome because he was so young and so in wonderment of it all. He was fearless. He would do anything. He wasn’t very big. He was just a baby. See, I'm not a size queen. But it was excellent. He went down on me and [ think Thad an orgasm in two sec- onds, I Was SO turned on: it was probably the tmhost erotic sex | ever had. But he gave me crabs. That's what you get. So you win some and you lose some. “nr get car a { pnt fuck them. terested. i isinterested. t oy | Shine up the wreng oe hard is real ly lmportar sucker for garter be Ss’ and stockings an m don’t let him hav Me point you have to that you_havea garter nderpants is also a big on your finger every nt hurt, like in thi inner. Telling jokes is bn every date ~ you have eally disarming thing. a a way io wake up in the morning than with my e of me. Usually ie takes me from behind. ‘This is ion because I can lie there pretending I’m sleeping mself in and out of me. | let him think he’s being off without me knowing Fat chance! But I let poe way with “i ze any After he’s oP 2 a bit 7 put my fitige little k hint of and he lies the e a sulle d, ont mind it dowe® b@tiyeen 1 y legs and rub my clit 1 ( wz tc 0 J y J y < to move nted. I d.membut I di ome yet, so I pull ard. | fieen arouae a him sweetly and say, 1 slide his dick, which is always "nh: dit alk God), inside . bac ce theddrive: 3 t way for v get ed w thout i Bi , cause you ‘| ; ‘i jes t woken r and Sfreich and hoyance, jist so he id let mig sleep. Bel lange my mind be later.” and pr@iand Hs dri a ft off into sleepy Wh m sure he ninks I’m a rotten § ib 6h. top. of iseock AMT Sco casy ' jer of ‘seconds before I do, 5 me ie ¥ Be my bree . Noi too he x my clit on th ing him we ie grabs ipn to my ass li ; his fingers injo my flesh, ma nd fdster. He Says, “Pm gont love thatJhelpless sound when tie}comes. | want Llet his train Sy. fucking 1 Pillow Take Some Par do it , rm bi frat vou pda ip fe so i 50 and you o ss mt go ti rough ih it. Th rievrid ap dughed e every: “fume re came. ee now how to talk and some | peop e dow 't. Wa some peo le es al, affectation and they think the what you want, that you r that. Otlier people ‘know how to and it yus clicks. It's like Pp ote sex. Some people know how to it an fen. ‘on t. Phone sex can e ex ni. Vés an absolute neces- $1 ou re separated from some- Peak ee love. Whamk Cod jor Ma oe Sereqgming and loud notse making really arinoy's e I hate tt when guys Come and wane any nose and you can a tel they came or not. buat one time ES a ing this guy and Tin, Uh € Fite ne yas 7 Youd ¥ to smack hh um. "as aE f he whole newt ey could hear us. When I was a child I used to sit on the toilet backward and wait for the burning sensation between my legs to go away. did not understand that if only my finger had found it’s way to my pussy the aching would have subsided. That all the be and pulling and rubbing anc scratching of my arms and my legs would not satisfy my hunger. That the wetness in my underpants had nothing to do with my mother overdressing me. But as a child I did not have the words to ask, so I stayed on fire and burning, tormented and yearning until that elorious day ~ when finger found flesh and with legs spread open and back arched, honey poured from my 14-year-old gash and | wept. es Salar ta mpm eu Ea Eee working infa topless \bar M was ce cily naivels read the] Village Voices and it Sig ‘Dancers Waited endl was] eee Peay iS CELE shag mot real booty 2tuy) OR CLI CURTAIN Do Not Touch Curtain When You Dance on Stage New York. ee” \ t do uo tun \ ia aes a oa ea ALG WANS oe / wks 5 belly ell ~~ RRR : z ce mL Like m Somnetnit Is at it in th e mirror W si I’m undressing and wonder what it would look like without any hair like when I was a baby. Sometimes I sit at the edge of the bed and spread my legs. And stare into the mirror and wonder what others see. Sometimes I stick my finger im my pussy and wiggle it around the dark wetness and feel what 2 a cock or a tongue must feel when I’m sitting on it. | pull my ‘finger out and I always taste it and smell it. It’s hard to describe it smells like a baby to me fresh and full of life. I love my pussy, it is the complete summation of my life. It’s the place where all the most painful things have happened. But it has given me indescribable pleasure, My pussy is the temple of learning, edi 1, I had sex with someone who wasn’t grossly obese but he was pretty overweight. It was the first and the last time. I really liked this guy a lot. He was handsome but he was overweight. | wanted to be unbiased because I really liked him, but the only way I could fuck es was on top because he crushed me. I had to sit on him because his stomach was in the way. That must be what it’s like to fuck a prégnant woman.They always say that women aren’t into appear- ance as much as men are, but it’s not true. I think women are just as moved by appear- ance, but they are willing to accept a situa- tion where the man 1s less attractive because of the who earns the bread situa- tion. There are so many women with the ugliest guys. | swear to God, if they didn’t have money, forget it. Two hundred fifty pounds, five seven, bald, disgusting misogy- nist pigs Deep down inside these women know, but they ain’t gonna tell nobody. If I see someone who's not necessarily conven- tionally beautiful, I can still be ‘attracted based on their intellect or whatever. But fat is a big problem for me. It sets off some- thing in my head that says “overindulgent pig.” Vii Vichy dypur Bill) See tt skin isa shilvent-vantinyg, oft fa cool ny Triige 1 tre liorly thet Pst pe rnur Gf the dee Panes uphto my ke fides AA running away 1 Lam opeticiin trope anc jas and sometimes: ty huevously. My prbie id sl iw looms oy 2 hair and # She knee}: beside me but | sod Vm on my Drea sand ie ens. Salisfied with caught by aw igs glistenini i on my, alike a ake of blood, y F Shand. AY first she’s eae a it when | stile went p chen : he move intl | Eafe ier soft-br THe ties are buzzing and the sky is unt Wer ‘into ke her eyes away from mine. i er I'm thirsty-so she playfully racd Splashes ion my face Tyiull her dawn on the sand with me and in afic of efore | han blink she has leaned ip any paar ne 1 ee db se rege age GIT with her soft pink ps. J tare init ereyes and she is pirless be ads of abet trickle off my neck. One 1 Lam a by a panctratipg sts ywn to kiss her lips. ata F turis fo explore one anothers uf er, direetly abo eek Se Plean do iy by pulling aw [move tip 6y nds, gripping them firmly and . Sticking on them, licking them, hiring: ess between my legs fas fron within and Uawant he P¥hnk uplthe long stir finds r bye com in a second ifshe doesn't siop andi Good. Tear uly fast iole. 1 devour her n «Pm dying af thirst and | want to drink your pussy juice!” She starts t id faster plunging her finger in and out of me, sometimes tickling my ass ee ae with the nipples of her small, boyish breasts, Mm Just about tO COME and she tells me sh vants to taste me, so Lerayh ap to her mouth and lower my possy on to her lips and he onguc touches my clit and she begins to sue Her hands gold m ass as 1 rock | nd forth on her face Nerang aby erying as | pour the purest part o} eatinty hee! 1 all ba sted from the heat and the aleohol and chi xeitement, She tells me how: sweet my pussy tastes and 1 tell he o take off her Tshi and Lie on Higiestom act || myself Mp and stand over her, staring at her belli ranned ‘ASS ws, ERE Blogeavith my fect und many fink welt to uiyknees | Weliny finger and start 7a anally hiingeher ass. She asks me WR + of hee, pussy. Fallis shole. making litle circles and oe loing and 1 sayy SWh: The su li ing 19 set and circling TS faye bo iger finds her e lee and i rub ip aid she begins 1omoan a love. “Put your finger inside mi shut Lae nuke an offering@o the sea.” | continue tolspread Heit ire open, widesireadly ate lie by natueeHer bade ie me to take ler come SO0fel her to turn overt cp hier legs'spread. She docs ap her Dematifal cunt, tremb gga he posv ight | @rawh toward Ter uptiiitiyemose is almost touching her and | Sate eply—iheeacthe Teliotropc, her animtalstentthat reming stm Gfrusk vane! vanilla Feivst Chis Her tier thichs ane Heke ea Outer Si me the salt Gi ta. Then L kiss her chit bi very SeGte beponsenesenwona’ seth loos! aud ree you want metodo, ‘ome voy all purr like 7° Gnd say “No, first | hove Sontso her asshole and pe fing and the muscle Sf he bes: ler asS are streinia ind she [sit dhwre staring Kk Pye ever seen. Suck my pus ongue into her soft wet onguc goes back to her elit licking faster amd Tister 1 take iigefigers. firs. one vena EPS openvind | fi fuck her tight litle gashwhilestch ine aes hee eit ast¢Pand harder ditt arpls the back y hes ul une alls ng i her puliiy CH" SHE GOMES shy ic. a us. Her hady shudders r sweet nectar, Theas)erawl ap next (6 Tier anc (tas her semi aste her own pussy, She seni les cin er tee Te mto my back and look into (iS ced iow it jury bheek is tigieolor of pu iy nm , baby,” shesays tome Tl j eiepeiwer fac Plo. Tp » Her 5 HSE Stars io eros is starts gyratin, th Jodrink if even ling abo: in ancl cain nae hae 1 fal wil notice she ins a 3 Jam, content | find her handiigaaagaeeey © 1e Whatsaear nine? ae I don’t think you have to have a language in common with someone to have sexual rapport. But it helps if the language you don’t under- stand is Italian. | prac tically come listening to people speak Italian and | don’t understand it that well. When they sz _ Are you hungry? Let’s go get some spaghetti,” it sounds like they are coming on to you. It’s really arousing. Sex can overcome the language barrier because it’s all body language anyway. But if you’re talking about having a ‘long, meaningful relationship, forget it. ] was really into this Italian guy and | had this fantasy about him. He lived in Rome with his mother. I sat there with a dic tionary piecing together sentences and | finally realized that he was madly in love with me in three days and he wanted me to stay in Italy and marry him and have a baby right away. That wasn’t too appealing, but the sex was good, Sometimes when you can’t speak it kind of frees you up. They’re whispering all this shit in your ear and they could be talking about the theory of relativity for all you know. They could bec alling you a cunt bitch whore from hell. They could be saying, * “As soon as you come Im going to kill you,” and you're yelling, “Yes! Yes!” A ela een ar Me ox ge 3g ates Fe Be a Oot silo nc a a ie oy 1A a - rr 3 geaee a Heo ovd_l yun ae as — let tha. ea 3 4 li sept be oa ae OM a 2a ay (Ww ket Di _ = ote b was liken game wher Pee aia) Ghee i oles Pre atte ie (oars not EBLE ur Cen eae ne more like ute Ba ener ribet SSR Ae a eat ec Pate ea Se eT RIE Sha Pre cos eee on ae bo oma NG ae EE PCy col innrces Aen tesa ke pd , e 4 Me et me} : home ? 4 Be ge lesfse d ie realized he was hard, Coulil it be the . lu ° Hould it be the bot halmy afternoon that 1 : nd made the baek of his neck moist? Can Ralph Lauren afford an air conditioner? Or ineylie it w seg froin Dr Zhivago filing the stor e Christie never failed to are st ow pup tent. He felt like bu inos but for some reason he cnt jin shirts ane a wonderful te He inirror he eaughe ddenly, dhe Cuban salesger ue need any th ee like a trick question. Her woie was caught i oid to himself! He was tempted t miswer the question in # most = manner, but in id, “The shirts ure awfully big. Pe like to tr v size 38." Off she went ona hunt, leaving a trail of Giorgio behind her, Cheap: always aroused hi He believed that cheap cologne smelled luxurious on people with dark skin. Ive had Jost all interest in tryiry mn clothes, Standing in his boxer shorts, he found himself dizzy fromm idity and the lurid secnt 1 down and consid e watehing himself in he could do it bi girl came buck. She didn’t seem to be in a hurry. The walking im harder, He stared at the b ysen, lying on the floor, He li reminded him of his father. § her voice was at the door again. “I hnve ¢ 38, Are you decent? ‘Oh, if you only kiww,” he said «himself. Without thinking he wld her to com npened the door ner 2 there flushed and dreamy, she tried to avoid looking in his eyes or below: hi y'd fix the sir cond the air, He didn’ She didn't move but clu 38 to her breast. Ivo could hea ng an ankle braced ones that must have been glass Jing well?” shi » pair of cl want to buy it, Belt Her perfect brown tors. pe Vahirak thie heat i y She stepped forward, balling cl with the othe She touched his sk 1 instruction, fir . Then his neek, to E think you're norm er fly fe Irs hard 10 tell, ‘cans * he praye the ¥ formed by pushed his finger i yf the shirt fall fron self. The stared wt and croteh, She die and! out of the Y ane fe Thee slowly he reached out and touel ood there crushing the shirt into a tight ball, & WVidveut warming she dropped to her knees, per hands. Her fac his lap and he stroked her cheek, She wore no mal or head wi beautifully shaped. She had the most magnificent mouth and its proximity to his erection tormented him. As i mind, her hand went into the leg of his shorts, found his eark, and slid it through his ope suck. Her nostrils flared as her lips pulled on him, sending him far away kc but he made no ine by this dard Lolita, who worked om him so effortlessly, so innocent ooking up at him with her lazy brown ¢ el drunk. id his balls in the otk ie played with it He wa had no reason ld the base of ne” he heard litt and sometimes he used his hands to zuide her mouth new whit sh doing and she did it, Ivo caupht himsel you're beauti loud, not quite sure wh He threw his head back and moaned “Oh y He heard his own heart pounding in k id faster and faster, Hin din broke. And his com out of him in spasms, in beaut ng spasms. She did not swallow it, but, lnalf smiling, she let it-ru of her mouth like a child spilling milk. “Lourdes, where are you? I need you to help some customers.” J out of nowhere. § swiped her mouth with the size 38, get hack to wor tine Le es, hut my friends eal She straiuh self und checked hn 18 the mirror h what she saw. H wuld tell she was simple and he env - He wanted er a hot dog or a bi oft pretzel. “Can T take you tu lune ‘Oh, you dow't awe mv anything.” she replied. “Besides ave a boyfriend.” With that she turned and was gone, yelling aver her shoulder, “You ean pay ip fr ng soum Her mouth... irror and moti gl was talking to. Suddenly he felt as if he would explod ue so beautiful,” as his blood rushed to the wick of her ne have NEO Yor Dew Toh, | wasnct ml fownle his lela butt afeythenbiny Jang tcl ww pul Ldécided pt wis bests yeu bias Ht | Vanow. Who yor Clue bile femn LA. and ldidiit hew-Fio yeu | ¢ word , geTuertt to yaur plice dnd _uken.| got tHe cov! heel Shalt Hoe. thei somumie. wes bens savigiel, Fodug_prakchie used He es no aud [et suse in uaa | Hipkoed to the belvann 1a cise Hote was oi watrudea el lo and behold Someone ude be stagld but fatto va wed Bet wss Vaveliag. wv ee bo ydsuid = lL didrit Prout Las hel of oc alisqanied | past” Eneco - Wd tage matte, | 4tiess pot yycte. ih you pu (tte yoda. Or n (hee | was pel cio got gt oF 1A thy io Mond spend sono te apt dedthuk he “thie, “though . New | Sinushy Ben acts llkadys 2 plovcuprecl [start ult Ge a Pains tap (didi Ve Ben wis holdiey wd for mt Pd you cite degC ae aA ec lag Sus oe fale 1. Wesloy Shell 46 Feel belle Hrounen hor competion vail anotten’ woman As tov we ( think tm gona be ck. . Ned tie You watt pussy | ie look tA See Maureen. - lowe fishitg ae __ Pik ee al ie ree ct ee | eae ao i ‘ino Pe oe Jagat Deamrecet ane ee eee =. om oni A ig an | ry = aie & Pootogvanived hy Sieyan Masset Derren Lew te) Wy Hava & ane, wie FON Bani, na FAL Tila Palick Ui, Seren Prevent by Calaway Kamen Michatan Catlanay, 8 dan a, Thoma 1 Won, He Taehiy Ma Fest’ Howiqua, wna Antein Ssiving by Po ren Tae Yarn, Makeup by Fran Wa roauetion Wy Mesh Cavexa (A Mvhar Jule Muiwien and MILK) TweKe: sant SIVNSKT Airaw Richarduon, HY Locotiana: Gougiua Fasguuon by Slghiy Dimension. lee ek ant nWe pHOLORTOGNE wrifted by SehWeldee/Eetown, Ink: Gary Gebnoiaa® aed Johw Erdman Color phatonragie printed RF LTI: Cre Tamean an Scott Magus Phalographs retauehes by Bismop Scum Chita Blshue. Guadratonn negotives ane colar weparatians. by Rich Newport, Hhoae Istane, Additieaul eelur soanrations by Lunersean, Ine, Panonls, Arizona F nreprene weucited hy Mater Engle Graphic Services, New Yar, New Vick Paves manutnctuted by Uohawk Faae! Wills, Inc Cob iam York Front and buck boars peintid Shoremves Packaging, Hew Yark, New York ook nnc €D pouchem procuces ty CAN Packaging Campany, Ine, ArT, Wikcumeie Bound by Nichalstane, Hashvile, Tenausaee, Special Thanks te: Agnes 8; Alain MER, Attn I Rotingon, Calvin Aivin, Campus Outfitters. Chelzea Hatel, Chiepens a 4; Come Acwin, Eysthia Henley, Gebora Macaui Deola Moines, Censunps, Dolce @ Cabana, €. Bush, Fay Mallennon, Eemete /Umcere Broperiies, Fifty 60. Fragments. Holtpwood, Galmy Theater: Tha Bina, Gene London, Geeliey Beene, Gaoree Emith Sota 8 Chairs ine.. Geann’ as 51. An 9, Mot Sox. Inane Mizrahi, JM, Weston, James Arpad, Jere and Mata ma ssh Hamnetty Kenneth fay Lane Tow Leathiey Man, U Marit Gras, Lily of Fronee!, Mau Feizan, Michael Hors, Montaranainan, 8. Pat The Nose. Norma: YG Guistom Knatners Patricia fing, roa Setoaming Mim, Secon Coming. The Set Orexsing Shap, St. Regis Motel. Stale Raps, fe, 280 Modem, ¥D, Verma, The Vat con it © 1902 by Mazonna. Warmir Bake, tna; 127A Avani of the Am g ‘Anke When Coinpany ean, Now York, ew Fors 10620 fo tna nied Staves oF Ameren Hist plintine: Gelaber doo HOM Pes aa ay Gitatg Card Numbess 92-7941 UM ann Stiga TOLENTINO, ALLISTAIR FATE, WALLIS FRANKEN, SAM. “CONVERSE, BOYS AT THE GAIETY, LUCIFER AT THE VAULT, STELLA, CHICLET, CAROLINE THE KINKY CATERER, MIKE RAYLE, K AND CRAIG SPENCER. | WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE CITI: MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR NOT RUNNING ME OVER WHEN | RAN THROUGH THEIR STREETS. THANKS TO JULIE MANNION AT Hee vs CAVACO & DUKA FOR BEING A TIGHTWAD WHEN |T CAME TO Ss ING MY MONEY. THANKS TO LEXINGTON LABS FOR MAXIMUM SEGURI- TY. NOT. THANKS TO GAVIN DE BECKER AND THE FBI FOR RESCUING PHOTOGRAPHS THAT WOULD MAKE J. EDGAR HOOVER ROLL OVER. THANKS TO NICK CALLAWAY AND CHARLES MELCHER FOR BRAVERY IN PACKAGING. THANKS TO WARNER BOOKS FOR BRAVERY PERIOD. THANKS TO PAUL CAVACO FOR DOING RUNWAY AND CHEERING us UP WHENEVER NECESSARY. THANKS TO ANDREW FOR ENDURING EVERYONE'S ABUSE. THANKS TO FRANCOIS NARS FOR BRINGING EDITH PIAF TO LIFE FOR US AND FOR GETTING RID OF MY EYE- BROWS ONCE AND FOR ALL, THANKS TO GARREN FOR DOING MY HAIR WHILE BEING COMPLETELY NORMAL. THANKS TO DE MARQUISE FOR THE LAST WORD ON EVERYTHING, THANKS TO DARREN FOR KNOWING WHERE IT’S AT. THANKS TO SIUNG FAT TJIA FOR TOTAL GRAPHIC DEVOTION. THANKS TO MELISSA AND MISSY FOR BEING SHOCKPROOF. THANKS TO THE REAL BIG DADDY, GLENN O'BRIEN, FOR TEACHING ME HOW TO SPELL. THANKS TO FABIEN BARON FOR HIS COMPLETE DISDAIN FOR ORGANIZATION AND UTTER DISREGARD FOR DETAIL. GENIUS! MOST OF ALL THANKS To STEVEN } MEISEL FOR NOT BEING AFRAID WHEN | WAS, PERFECTION!

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