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My name is Dylan Evans and I am a Year 11 student at Trinity College. I am currently completing a research project on travelling in Europe. Please complete the questions below to assist me with my research.

Name Address Age Date of Departure Country Visited Thailand Cambodia Q1:

David Evans Melbourne 27 25th July Arrival Date 25th July 30th July Departure Date 30th July 8th August

What was the main reason for your journey?

Holiday and to attend a friends wedding Q2: No Q3: No Q4: Did you travel alone or with other/s? Have you ever travelled before to the above mentioned destinations? If yes, how many times? Do you have any relatives, family members and friends in any of the countries you visited

Travelled with 6 friends


What forms of transport did you use?

Planes, coaches and Tuk tuks (Bangkok taxis) Q6: What kind of accommodation did you stay in?

Hotels and resort Q7: Did you choose a good time of year to travel? Please give reasons for response.

Yes the weather wasnt too humid or wet Q8: Which country did you like the best and why?

I liked Cambodia the best because of the relaxed lifestyle and the friendly people. Q9: Which country did you like the least and why?

I wasnt as keen on Thailand. It was very congested and I just didnt like the atmosphere as much as I did in Cambodia. Q10: Did your journey remain within your planned budget? Yes Q11: Did you encounter any problems regarding travel visas etc.? No. I made sure I arranged the necessary visa to enter Cambodia before I left Australia. This was easy to do online after checking the Trip Advisor website. Q12: Is there anything in particular you would do differently next time? Take out travel insurance. I didnt need it but should really have done it. Do you have any Additional Comments?

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