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ICPSR 5407

Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, 1809-1949


Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research P.O. Box 1248 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106

- ICPSR 5407 -

Bibliographic Description
ICPSR Study No.: Title: Principal Investigator(s): Bibliographic Citation: 5407 Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, 1809-1949 Lewis Fry Richardson Richardson, Lewis Fry. STATISTICS OF DEADLY QUARRELS, 1809-1949 [Computer file]. ICPSR05407-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [producer and distributor], 196?. doi:10.3886/ICPSR05407.v1

Scope of Study
Summary: This study contains data on 779 dyadic fatal quarrels for the period 1809-1949. The study represents one of the earlier attempts at quantification of historical conflict behavior. A dyadic deadly quarrel is a situation involving a pair of opponents or belligerents which causes death to humans. Each quarrel is identified by its beginning date and magnitude. The magnitude of a quarrel is measured by the logarithm to the base 10 of the number of deaths. The range of magnitude of quarrels in this study is from 2.50 to 7.50, the latter representing the figure for nations involved in World War II. For each quarrel, the nominal variables include the type of quarrel, as well as political, cultural, and economic similarities and dissimilarities between the pair of combatants. aggression, conflict, international affairs, nations, nineteenth century, twentieth century, violence, war Global 1809 - 1949 A total of 779 dyadic, fatal quarrels in the period 1809-1949. event/transaction, and aggregate data

Subject Term(s):

Geographic Coverage: Time Period: Universe: Data Type:

Methodology Access and Availability

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- ICPSR 5407 Note: A list of the data formats available for this study can be found in the summary of holdings. Detailed file-level information (such as record length, case count, and variable count) is listed in the file manifest. 1984-05-03 The last update of this study occurred on 1992-02-16. DS1: Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, 1809-1949

Original ICPSR Release: Version History: Dataset(s):

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