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Working with street children can be emotionally difficult as the issues surrounding street children are complex. For example, many people who work with street children do not feel ready or equipped to address the taxing issues. The training is designed to addresses the roles and responsibilities of individuals working with street children as well as the various aspects of street children's life. A three to four days training covers various topics as general orientation, profile of street children, Drop in centers or shelter home for street children, Roles and responsibilities of people working with street children, Teaching street children, involving community, child rights and child protection.

Training Fee: Participants' level: Training Venue: Training Start: Training length:

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Understanding the life and culture of street children How street children survive on the street Establishing an effectve drop in center or shelter home for street children

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Working with street children effectively Effective communication process in street children projects Describe the importance of establishing a working relationship with street children Teaching street children

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Community mobilization in street children projects Process of the formation of a Community club/group. Rights of a street child. Specific rights and laws pertaining to street children Importance of child participation

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