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Research. Canada Advanced Medical Technology & Systems Inc.

Dmitri Popov, PhD, Radiation Biology Russian Academy of Science Maliev Slava, prof. Radiation Biology

Bio-Dosimetry and Immunological (ELISA) Differential Diagnosis of Acute Radiation Syndromes. Development of Novel Pharmaceuticals and Methods: Anti-Radiation Vaccine , Anti-Radiation Antitoxin Ig G, Heavy Ions Irradiation of mammals: Bio-Dosimetry (ELISA), Radiation Protection. Neutron Irradiation of mammals: Bio-Dosimetry, Radiation Protection, Prophylaxis of Acute Radiation Syndromes, Treatment of Acute Radiation Syndromes with Anti-Radiation Antitoxin Ig G, immune-lymph-plasmo-sorption. Molecular Biology Techniques Used for Analysis of Radiation Toxins and Major Antigen Components of Human Tissue Composition. Molecular Biology Techniques and Analysis of Radiation Toxins, toxic components of human cells and Inflammation after different types of Iraddiation. Molecular Biology Techniques for Analysis of Radiation Toxins, toxic components of human cells and their actions on development of gene mutations. Molecular Biology Techniques for Analysis of Radiation Toxins, toxic components of human cells and their actions on development of different forms of cancer after irradiation. Molecular Biology Techniques and Analysis of Radiation Toxins, toxic components of human cells and their actions on the development of Post-radiation Aplastic Anemia and their possible use as active pharmaceuticals for treatment of Hematologic Oncology.

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