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Galobardi 1 Osly Galobardi Robert Arnold HONR 2750-H01 Research Article Moodle Discussion: Part 1 The article discusses

how community service influences an individual. For some of the subjects, their volunteer work left no impression and for others it opened up world to explore themselves. After reading the article, it helped me become aware of how much I have grown as a person and how my perception of community service has changed from high school to college. My volunteer experience started the summer before my senior year of high school. I volunteered at the Mooresville Soup Kitchen, not because I wanted to, but because I needed to complete a specific amount of service hours for the National Honors Society. Most of my friends also volunteered at the soup kitchen, so it gave me a chance to hang out with my friends and it made the volunteering less of a requirement. As stated in the article, some of the subjects involved in the study revealed that their service was done to fulfill club requirements and to build up their resume for college. I did the same thing; however, it was not until I took a Service Learning class in college that I gained a purpose through my service. The research concluded that students who are encouraged early on to participate in community service and are explained the reason behind the service were more likely to voluntarily continue giving back to the community as community activists. For my Service Learning class, I volunteered at the Boys & Girls Club of Greenville. It was a fun and enlightening experience that I fully got to appreciate through the research paper I had to write to complete the course. Through the research paper, I learned about the high illiteracy rates all across the United States, which is why organizations including the Boys & Girls Club, help

Galobardi 2 underprivileged children gain the education they fail to receive in school. I felt proud that I helped elementary school children learn how to read and write and catch-up with their peers.

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