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What are MOVbands?

Michelle Squires was deeply concerned that something needed to be done about the obesity epidemic in this country. As a teacher, mother, and fitness advocate, it mattered to her. She imagined a productand a movementthat would positively impact peoples health and activity levels. From this vision, MOVABLE was born. MOVABLE is on a mission to improve the health and performance of people everywhere. We make this possible by combining MOVband, a simple, fun, wrist-worn activity monitor, with the MOVchallenge, a social and rewarding activity program. Together they are designed to inspire movement, increase activity levels, and motivate people to adopt healthy habits.

The Impact of MOVbands

Students, faculty and staff in the Chagrin Falls Exempted Village School District were encouraged to participate in a 21-day MOVchallenge to accrue 100 miles of activity. The entire challenge not only inspired movement, but it also helped to ignite a wave of school spirit. The elementary students demonstrated unparalleled enthusiasm and high levels of motivation, and in fact, logged the biggest numbers in the district. Intermediate school participants competed fiercely, motivated by the color incentive bands and fun activities like their very own flash mob dance. Middle school and high school students liked the school spirit connected with the Tiger Tour Challenge, and eagerly recorded the miles on their MOVbands. The results were impressive, with a total of 187,364 miles recorded on the MOVbands. The entire challenge not only inspired movement, but it also helped to promote school spirit. Students in all grades learned that movement can be fun and rewarding.

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