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Yoga Poses 3rd and 4th

River Ridge Wellness Day Sessions

Introduction to the Main Activity

NHES 1, 3

Time: _3 minutes_______ Activity Description: Describe the benefits of Yoga Describe benefits Yoga. Give and ask for reason that people choose to do Yoga. Using body/muscle diagram, identify common muscle groups developed by participating in Yoga. Give and ask for input on where to find information on Yoga. Materials needed: Handouts with terms, pictures and a list of benefits Questions to check for understanding: Review the topics listed above with specific questions. Who can give me one of the benefits of doing Yoga? Why do people choose to participate in Yoga? Can someone tell or show me one of the muscle groups developed by participating in Yoga? Where could you find more information on Yoga?

Main Activity-Yoga Poses Activity Objective:


Time: __20 minutes______ Activity Description: TSW follow the teacher in re-creating the Yoga poses that are shown. Materials needed: Yoga poses 1. Sun Salutation 2 stages 7. Triangle pose 2. Lung pose 8. Tree pose 3. Cat pose 9. Hero pose 4. Chair pose 10. Warrior 3 pose 5. Cobra pose 11. Downward facing dog pose 6. Bridge pose 12. Bound angle pose

Closure - Questions and Answer

Time: _2 minutes_______ Question # 1 Can someone please demonstrate your favorite Yoga pose? Desired Student Response TSW show any of the poses done during activity Question # 2 Who can tell me one of the benefits of Yoga on the body? Desired Student Response - TSW describe flexibility, muscle strength, relaxation, work on balance

Assignment objective and description: NHES - 8 Take home assignment Use the Yoga Tic-Tac-Toe to engage in activity with your family. *also handouts with pictures of the poses done in class today Supplemental Materials:
Pictures of poses to follow Music CD player Yoga mats

Bend forward

Bend backward

Lung pose

Chair pose

Cat pose

Cobra pose

Bridge pose

Hero pose

Triangle pose

Tree pose

Warrior 1

Downward facing dog

Bound angel

Yoga Tic-Tac-Toe
1. Sun Salutation 2 stages 2. Lung pose 3. Cat pose 4. Chair pose 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cobra pose Bridge pose Triangle pose Tree pose Hero pose 10. Warrior 3 pose 11. Downward facing dog pose 12. Bound angle pose

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