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Informed by Nature Encourages the Appreciation of Science Nicholas Kahrilas is a successful entrepreneur who has led several companies,

including NSK Enterprises, Inc., Charitable Ways, and Platinum Legacy. Currently, Nick Kahrilas is the partner in charge of business development at Logica Capital Management, LLC, and sits on the board of directors of Informed by Nature (IBN). Founded in 2007, IBN is a Los Angeles-based nonprofit that works to increase the public's understanding and appreciation of science. In pursuit of this goal, IBN operates an online science portal that connects users to an array of scientific publications, art, and lectures, as well as videos, films, and other media. In addition, IBN operates several educational outreach programs that promote public involvement and work to further IBN's mission to touch every life with science. As part of its efforts, IBN conducts an online science fair that invites students in grades 7-12 to upload their science projects onto the IBN website, where they can be viewed by other students and inspire ideas for future projects and experiments. The students whose work garners the most discussion within the online environment are rewarded by IBN with semiannual prizes, which help provide greater exposure to students and their projects and act to further incentivize participation in the online fair. In the future, IBN also plans to invite school districts and science museums to upload their competitions to the IBN website in order to encourage wider participation and provide a valuable service to students without access to local science fairs.

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