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8th Grade English Literature Test 3 Study Guide (9 weeks exam) Mama and the Doctors Wife a woman

n finds a way to get surgery for her husband Being a Public Character the dog that bit the lion In this story, the Wilkins baby was rescued from a burning house. Doc Brackett a man who missed his wedding to help a child Doc Bracketts office sign became his grave memorial. The Case of the Missing Will a lady asks for a famous detectives help written by Agatha Christie Nothing Ever Happens So David wouldnt feel uncomfortable, the farmer wore blue jeans to church. Great-grandmother went out of her way to make Mrs. Hunter feel comfortable at church. The Adventure of the Three Students examination for a prized scholarship One of the clues that helped Sherlock Holmes solve the mystery was black clay. The Countess and the Impossible a boy learns greatness through taking care of a lawn The Countess paid the boy every week according to his estimation of work The Last Lesson a teacher gives a French lesson The Kiskis Before their father harvested his wheat, the Kiski children came to school without shoes. On the last day of school, the Kiski children brought candy. My Struggle for an Education a boy gets into school by doing thorough work written by Booker T. Washington

Toby and the Gettysburg Address On the night of the big celebration, Toby recited the Gettysburg Address while squeezing a rope behind his back. Four-Ring Circus The Trenton redheads style of basketball was brilliant but cockeyed. Another April In this story, what does the terrapin has a date cut in its back. An Unfortunate Lily Maid Anne was told not to give up all her romance by Matthew.

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