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[Tutorial Photoshop] Yellow Brown Tone

Salam to all Readers Dah cuba belum tutorial semalam?? Dah? cool kan..hehe Okey hari ini cik Dil akan ajar pasal color blending. Color blending yang pertama yang cik Dil mahu ajar ialah "Yellow brown tone" Selamat mencuba ya. Macam biasa, tutorial yang cik Dil buat ni in English.

Have fun!


STEP 1 Open your picture in Adobe Photoshop

STEP 2 Create a new curves layer

STEP 3 Create a new color balance layer to gain the yellow tone . Set this Blending mode to Color 100%

STEP 4 Create a new channel mixer layer

STEP 5 Create a new selective color layer Reds: 0,0,0,100 Yellows: -55,58,-34,-25

Greens: -85,100,-76,-25 Neutrals: -8,7,-10, 2 Blacks: 57,88,100,22

STEP 6 Create a new curves layer to gain the light on face and background


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