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I Am Angry With My People – The Jews

God's lack of faith in Man has given Him

An understanding that sustains belief.
It's only when Mans fed a bowl of grief
And constant disappointment that his sin
Will bolster prayer, increasing worship to
A Middle Ages pitch.
At first God grants the miracles we wish,
Then shuts the portals of salvation up,
Leaving leadership to a priestly class,
Both power hungry and corrupt.
The Jews were first to die within this trap
As when, in Egypt, God was strong to save.
He wrote about it with a pristine pen
But hid when Auschwitz killed. Where was He then?
Despite the covenants and brilliant law,
The Jews could not escape from fang and claw.
God's betrayal just doubled their devotion.
I am angry with my people. They told me,
That all the world despised and hated us,
That only they would help when trouble struck,
That they alone would shrive my soul when giving up
The ghost, the blind eyed nefish to the grave.
It was a lie, at least to me.
I never saw those hate filled, raging faces.
Because I would not serve, they would not help
When life, with all its grief, stood coldly by.
Not only were they foolish in belief
But kept on praising, letting millions die.
I do not understand the art of faith,
Its purpose or its reason anymore.
It seems a childlike thing in childlike mind,
A fairy tale with wishing at its core.
What synagogues bring forth is sterile bread,
Which will not hush the living or the dead.

Carl Estrin

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