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Andrew Konen Travis Jones Jesse Oleyar Heather Boros and Group E-2020 - E-Software Describe software (brief)

) for 6-12th grade curriculum (vast) math, english, science, AP, foreign language, test prep, electives, career education Not a web based system, is server based Advantages of e-software fast learning weeks amount of work done in a day validity of information is good can work around busy schedules can easily track progress Disadvantage no help instructors are videos of people very impersonal easy to cheat - can find answers online give you info fast, but no time to take notes testing right after, without having the opportunity to take it all in Ages 6-12 Ideas start using at a younger age, could be more helpful Initial cost: $1,100 bundle license - basic Was not able to find much information on this, prefer that you call on Upgrade cost: if need without having support - $2,000/day will train 20-25 ppl Maintenance fee: must purchase support for year 1 did not indicate maintenance cost after that System requirements: Windows XP or higher and MAC OS x

need 2.33 Gh AMD card - or intel 1.83 Gh - Mac 1.33 Gh 1 GB RAM 500 MB Hard Disc space 1024x1060a res, 16bit color speakers/headsets 256 kb/sec internet speed browser: Chrome, IE 8, Firefox, Safari 5.0 plug ins - Adobe Flash 10, Adobe Reader 8, Adobe Shockwave 10, Quick Time 7, Java 1.7

Purchase direct, not through a vendor Edgenuity - Parent Co.- EdSurge Would we recommend this product; No, we would not recommend this product. The age range is 6-12th grade and we feel that unless this can start at an earlier age, it is quite challenging for kids to change their education style at that time. We also feel that the teaching help is quite lacking, and this system is more for short term retention rather than long term. We would recommend starting the e-program at the elementary school, although this would not be a good system to use.

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