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Ideological and Religious Beliefs The idea that certain events are destined to happen is deeply rooted in ancient

beliefs. Ancient writers used Fate as the cause of all major events, enforcing unalterable laws. Discuss the statement above with reference to ONE literary text you have studied. In your answer, you should: - Examine and interpret the role that Fate plays in the destiny of an important character - Evaluate the extent to which characters (human and divine) can alter their fate or the fate of others - Provide supporting evidence from the literary text you have chosen ESA Study Guide notes on Fate (p. 85-87) Destiny of Rome and Aeneas (p. 87-88) Aeneas (p. 91-93)

What is fate? Fate was seen by the ancient Romans as an overarching framework which governed the lives of all humans and the existence of all gods.In Virgils, The Aeneid, the main character Aeneas

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