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Chapter 4 Study Guide

pemmican, Ruperts Land, Metis, country born, seigneurial system, Red River cart, Earl of Selkirk, Miles Macdonell, Pemmican Proclamation, Robert Semple, Cuthbert Grant, Battle of Seven Oaks, Orange Order, Dr. John Schultz, Canadian Party, North-West Territories, Louis Riel, land speculator, William McDougall, provisional government, Thomas Scott, Colonel Wolesley, John A. Macdonald, Sayer Trial.

Major Concepts to Know:

- the differences between the HBC and NWC - the role of aboriginal people in the fur trade - the reason for Lord Selkirk establishing the Red River colony - the location of the the Red River colony - some problems faced by the early Red River settlers - the cause and effect of the Pemmican Proclamation - the NWC reaction to the Pemmican Proclamation - the significance of the Battle of Seven Oaks (Victory on Frog Plain) - the reason for and terms of the merger of the HBC and NWC - the results of the HBC / NWC merger - the origins of the Mtis people - the traditional way of life of the Mtis - the rules of the bison hunt (p.141) - the attitudes of the Orange Order and the Canadian Party towards the Mtis - basic economy of the Red River settlement - the reason for and terms of the purchase of Ruperts Land from the HBC - the reason the Mtis were angry about the purchase of Ruperts Land - the goals of the Mtis provisional government - the events that led to the execution of Thomas Scott - the reaction of many Ontarians to Scotts execution - the reaction of many Quebecers to Scott's execution - Macdonalds response to the execution - the basic terms of the Manitoba Act - the decision regarding Louis Riel

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