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Pl'Midential SpoI<es.Il'l8n

Statement On the Suspension of Offensive

Military Oparations
The President istwed today a policy directive to advance stability and
peace In the confIict-affected areas CJf Mindanao, intensify and s ustain law
alll'oicement measure" and provide a stable environment for the
resumptloo of the peeee talks beNoeen the Government of the Republ ic of
the Phllippines (GRP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Pursuant to this ~rective.

the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
sha ll SlI8peod all offe~;ve operations ill the co nfl id -a ffected areas.
The AFP sha ll nIYert to Active Defense mode as provided for in the
"Guidelines on the Prima cy of the Peace Process" and the subsequent
"Reminderw on th6 GRP-M llF Peace ·P roceSs."
The Philippine N~tional Pol ice (PNP) shall continue to undertake its
laW enforcement activities to bring the three (3) renegade MllF
commanders and other law1es8 elerMnts to the bar of justice. The AFP
sha ll play II support role.
The Chief-ot.staff sh:Jlllssue appropriate guidelines for the 'j/
Impleme ntalioo of this I:li~_ The C",ief PNP shall similar1y issu e J-"
guidelines as rr pertai1 to itS law enforcement role. V /' ..

TheM 0rdeB take effect immediately. r/

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