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Murray 1

Becca Murray English 1 1st block Mrs. Knowles 16 September 2013 Moragne, Wendy. "Suicide And Its Prevention." Depression (0-7613-1774-0). 65. n.p.: Lerner Publishing Group, 2001. Health Source - Consumer Edition. Web. 11 Sept. 2013. In the article Suicide and Its Prevention by Moragne, Wendy explains what suicide is, and how you can help stop someone from committing it. Suicide is basically just a response to depressing feelings like loneliness, frustration, and helplessness. Although, many factors can contribute to suicide depression is the one feeling that is at greatest risk for causing someone to be suicidal. Not all depressed teenagers turn to suicide, but most of them do. Experts think suicide is a result of both heredity and life events. One of the most productive things suicidal teens can do to get help is to talk to somebody like a counselor, adult, or doctor. This text helped me understand my topic because it explains what suicide is caused by, what factors can lead to it, and how to prevent it. Since I read this article my knowledge on my topic has grown by making me realize how much people can make a change in someones life. It is a good resource for my organization because it helps me realize other things that may happen that would contribute to someone being suicidal, and what a single person can do to help them. It helps me answer my research question by saying how to prevent suicide. I will use this information to create my persuasive text, because it helps me get a stronger point for my argument by explaining ways to look for suicidal signs and ways that you can prevent it.

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