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WRT 1010 Reflection Writing 1010 showed me a growth in my writing which is my attention to detail.

I am learning to add more detail and description to my writing to express my ideas or someone elses on a subject. Also, the work I get back that lacks detail, I improve by critiquing to make what Im writing about clearer. Besides my growth in my writing style, I have encountered weaknesss which were wrongly imputed verb tenses and not staying organized to the topic. I have recognized that I tend to go on tangents and write anything sometimes. But, to overthrow my weaknesses are my strengths; abilities to revise my work to have it better suit the reader (the teacher or class) and to set a scene with description to paint a mental image. But, the things that really made the class fun for me was the reader responses the class had done. These assignments were the most enjoyable because they were short and the readings were great. But, the most challenging were the essays because of the multiple revisions.The two assignments that were the best for me to work on were my narrative essay and the Salvation reader response. I wrote my narrative essay about my graduation day because that day meant a lot to me. June 6th was one of the best days for me, and writing about it allowed me to describe the experience of preparing for graduation and the graduation to the reader. While writing about my graduation I encountered a few issues that were finding what events I use to describe my day and how I should organize my ideas on my day. I finally came to the conclusion to gather my ideas and be descriptive in all my events. Besides doing my narrative essay, the Salvation reader response was another fun assignment. After reading Salvation I was shocked to have learned that Langston Hughes lost his faith in God. This response caught my eye immediately. Also, the way that he portrayed his church reminded me of my church. I had no clue Hughes stopped believing in God, but the story

to me was a change of a life style (not for me). This story became a tad funny, but serious. I had no trouble writing about it. I enjoyed reading about it and also relating to the story about the preacher pressuring the youth to dive into the word of Christ.

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