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My reasons for transferring include educational goals, financial reasons, and family related concerns.

The school that I am applying to transfer to has a demanding Biology program that I believe offers the preparation I need to succeed in the medical field. They offer courses, such as Biology of Cancer, not offered at my previous university that pertain to the specific field I am interested in pursuing oncology. My brother was diagnosed with leukemia at six years and relapsed at sixteen. He was treated at hospitals and clinics in the area, and I had the opportunity to converse and build relationships with outstanding oncologists and oncology nurses. Because the school is located in my area, I am able to receive in-state tuition and avoid room and board charges by living at home. Living at home will also enable me to help relieve my family of the various responsibilities they have, including taking care of my grandfather with Alzheimers. Because my fathers occupation requires routine travel, my mother is often stretched for time balancing the care for my grandfather and her daily responsibilities. My grandfather has reached the stage where he requires extensive personal attention, attention that I will be able to help contribute. Through transferring schools I hope to maintain an excellent grade point average, graduate among the top of my class, and continue my academic career at a well-known medical school. In addition to these personal and educational goals, I hope to better serve my community by volunteering at local hospitals, oncology clinics, and various nonprofit events.

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