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Lay naked my chaste spirit to you, restraint vanished once I loved you, vulnerable my soul only revered you,

the pain I assume is a privilege of few. Waited I till eternity, called you 'the one', the prime of my life is rendered undone, you I cannot blame, you I can never hate, I condemn the evil, vile creature called fate. Words pined, poems yearned, people wished to describe our perfect unanimity, harmony, still ruminating how our love sorely perished, kind your memories endow me with agony. Barred, secured, my heart hides dead scared, the parasite doubt consumed me, my passion, lone vacation has contemplated my affection, fear has replaced desires, my hope's impaired. Claims to mend my heart, a new contender, can't handle this defender another offender, do not ever let me go, will urge my silence, do infer and then love me with no pretense.

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