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module 11

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an opportunity to get rich quick Be careful of the wet paint. buy your ticket in advance change the law consume alcoholic drinks Cyclists are not allowed to use this path. Despite the bad weather they had a very good time at the beach. do a course do economics do overtime do your best Doctors have found cures for many serious diseaeses. get engaged government greed, greedy harsh Her father was very angry with her. However, he didn't say a word. injury It should be against the law to kill animals for food.

egy lehetsg a gyors meggazdagodsra Vigyzat, frissen mzolva. megvenni a jegyed elre megvltoztatni a trvnyt alkoholt fogyasztani Biciklisek nem hasznlhatjk ezt az svnyt. A rossz id ellenre jl reztk magukat a strandon. tanfolyamot vgez kzgazdasgtant tanul tlrzik a legjobbat hozza ki magbl Az orvosok sok slyos betegsgre talltak megoldst. eljegyezni magad kormny kapzsisg, mohsg, kapzsi, moh durva, szigor, kmletlen Az apja nagyon mrges volt r, de nem szlt egy szt se. srls Trvnytelennek kne minsteni az llatok lelemszerzs cljbl val lelst. Legliss kne tenni a feygverviselst. liberlis, nagyvonal, szabadszellem elveszett csomag Egyre tbb ember kltzik a vrosba. Ennek eredmnyekpp nagyon kltsges a lakhats. nemesember manapsg


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

One thing I find really annoying is when you copy each other's homework. pedestrian crossing People should be fined for hunting. poor weather Regular exercise can prevent heart disease. resign from your job sensible servant She won't mind your being late. Besides, it's hardly your fault. slip on sg Smoking should be banned in public places. sue terminal illness The decorations were beautiful, and what's more the kids had made them themselves. There is a strong link between alcohol and health. There is no cure for the common cold. There should be capital punishment. toddler trip over sg We were unable to get money, and therefore had to stay at home. wear a seatbelt What really annoys me is my students playing with their Rubik cubes. You have to pay a fine if you are caught without a ticket.

Amit nagyon idegestnek tallok, az az, ha lemsoljtok egy ms hzi feladatt. gyalogtkelhely Bntetni kne a vadszatot/rt. rossz idjrs A rendszeres testmozgs segt megelzni a szvbetegsget. otthagyni az llsodat jzan, praktikus, rtelmes szolga Nem bnja, ha elksel. Ezenkvl/Mellesleg nem is a te hibd. elcsszni vmin Be kne tiltani a dohnyzst kzterleten. beperelni hallos betegsg A dszts nagyon szp volt, st mi tbb, maguk a gyerekek ksztettk. Szoros kapcsolat van az alkoholfogyaszts s az egszsg kztt. Nincs gygymd a megfzsra. Vissza kne lltani a hallbntetst. kisgyerek/totyog elbotlani vmiben Nem tudtuk megszerezni a pnzt, ezrt otthon kellett maradnunk. biztonsgi vet hordani Ami nagyon felidegest, az az, ha a tantvnyaim Rubik kockval jtszanak. Brsgot kell fizetned, ha elkapnak jegy nlkl.

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31. 32. 33. 34.

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It should be made legal for people to carry a gun if they wish to. liberal lost luggage More and more people are moving to the city. As a result, housing is very expensive. nobleman nowadays

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