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Alexandria Middleton Chapter Response 6 02/19/2013 Professor Lay Sikhism I never really heard of Sikhism before it was not

a religion that is very well known. However after learning in class I found out so information. This religion combines Hinduism and Islam factors and beliefs. This idea was pushed by Kabir who was essentially a Muslim. He believed that the two different religions could be brought together in one religion. This thought was later picked up by Nanak whose religion was Hindu. According to him he was the prophet of the true religion. With his partner he preached his beliefs and formed disciples which later developed to Sikhs. To become a Sikh one must go through a sprinkling ritual. Also they have simple practice like bathing, hymn reading and prayer. They go to gudwaras to congregate and have prayer. However with this temple there is no structure to it. There isnt a preacher or higher official that speaks to those who come. In the U.S. there are about 500,000 Sikhs who are mostly vegetarian. Although they are mostly known for their military skills they also are involved in other works. The Sikhs have built a large number of hospitals and schools in South Asia. Women are regarded highly in this religion. When two people go into marriage is more of joining of souls and they take it very seriously. I think there may be some things we can gleam from the Sikhs for instance their involvement in helping the community.

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