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Alexandria Middleton RELT 368 A Personal Exploration Paper 2 4/12/2013 New Christian Groups After reading this chapter

I was able to see the variety of Christian groups. All of these groups are relatively new compared to other religions. For instance The Church of Latter Day Saints was founded in the 1840s. The Mormons were practicing polygamy in cities like Ney York but were forced to move around until they finally settled in Utah. Next are the Christian Scientist that was founded by a woman something I found very interesting. This sect is very active in countries beside the U.S. with over 2000 churches. Actually there is a Christian Science Church in my neighborhood. Maybe I will go buy one day and talk to someone there to find out about their specific beliefs. Also there are the Jehovah Witnesses that were founded in the late 1870s. The founder believed that he knew when Christ was coming to earth. Yet when that idea did not come to pass the sect made some changes to that idea. This group I am more familiar with then the ones I mentioned before. When I moved to Florida the area I lived in had a pretty good population of Jehovah Witnesses. Lastly are the Seventh Day Adventist in which I a most familiar with. I have learned so much from this sect and I am grateful. I love the idea of making sure everything is included. For instances make sure your spirit as well as the body is healthy. This idea they promote to anyone in many different ways, either through hospitals or schools.

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