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It is usual for organizational behavior to reach quite widespread public attention. A dishonorable case involved two employee he chief executive and she relatively a low employee, on company time and on company property involve in such behavior which threatened the organisational function but also had the bad effect survival of organisational behavior on global scale. An awareness of this behavior began to leak out junior employee moved from her job and chief executive should escape from both responsibility of organisational behavior and required to play the penalty of organisational behavior lying about it. Third parties involve in this case inquiring and warning to chief executive to dismissal the chief executive not only about inappropriate organisational behavior but also lying about it to colleagues and interested competitors. It is one of the examples of describing the Billclinton and Monica affair. It has all the hallmarks typical slogan of organisational behavior problem. Yet its private because its occurs in organisational context but in reality it effect the organisation and it is not only the example of inappropriate organisational behavior but also one of the dysfunctional example of organisational behavior. Organisation behaviors include all behavior in organisations. The implication of behavior may be great or small but task of organisational behavior provide means to understand and explain all behavior in organisation. Bill Clinton is merely high profile but its case has real no difference in essence to any case in organisational behavior.

Why study organisational behavior?

As a moment ago we said that organisational behavior is essential part of management in theory and in practice it is widely accepted to be the case but why it is so important? It is perception in ordinary people that their behavior have no impact on organisation but ever thing we do , working ,worshipping, been educated , enjoying ourselves, suffering , walking, and each activities involve ourselves in organisation.

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