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Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Guru Application

Script in Eclips e

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

TestNG (Testing framework, annotations, assertions )

TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use, such as: Annotations. Run your tests in arbitrarily big thread pools (all methods in their own thread, one thread per test class, etc...). Annotations are used to create a unit framework for a test and with the help of it we can divide entire script in independently working individual units. Assertions are as checkpoints to validate web elements properties.

Reporting Mechanism (Default reports, ReportNG reports, XSLT reports)

Although various reporting mechanism are available, but in our Guru application automation we have used ReportNG reporting mechanism. TestNG tool automatically generates default results which are very simple and not very descriptive. ReportNG reporting mechanism provides a way to user to know the details e.g. how many test cases are passed, how many failed, how many ignored, their percentage and any error occurred in HTML format.

XML files
XML files are generally used to build, compile and run the script using ANT from command prompt. XML files help to run the tests in a batch. We can also create an exe of the entire script and then run the script by double clicking the batch icon. XML files provides a way to run the script in multiple platforms such as Linus, Mac and Windows from command prompt with the help of ANT tool. XML files helps to configure the entire tests in well organized way.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.


Although we have certain limitation with Selenium but its powerful enough to automate web application e.g. We have certain challenges ahead e.g. automating attachment pop up, running in a grid.

Queries/Suggestions/Feedback are welcome - Ritesh

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

TestNG (Testing framework, annotations, assertions )

TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use, such as: Annotations. Run your tests in arbitrarily big thread pools (all methods in their own thread, one thread per test class, etc...). Annotations are used to create a unit framework for a test and with the help of it we can divide entire script in independently working individual units. Assertions are as checkpoints to validate web elements properties.

Reporting Mechanism (Default reports, ReportNG reports, XSLT reports)

Although various reporting mechanism are available, but in our Guru application automation we have used ReportNG reporting mechanism. TestNG tool automatically generates default results which are very simple and not very descriptive. ReportNG reporting mechanism provides a way to user to know the details e.g. how many test cases are passed, how many failed, how many ignored, their percentage and any error occurred in HTML format.

XML files
XML files are generally used to build, compile and run the script using ANT from command prompt. XML files help to run the tests in a batch. We can also create an exe of the entire script and then run the script by double clicking the batch icon. XML files provides a way to run the script in multiple platforms such as Linus, Mac and Windows from command prompt with the help of ANT tool. XML files helps to configure the entire tests in well organized way.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.


Although we have certain limitation with Selenium but its powerful enough to automate web application e.g. We have certain challenges ahead e.g. automating attachment pop up, running in a grid.

Queries/Suggestions/Feedback are welcome - Ritesh

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

TestNG (Testing framework, annotations, assertions )

TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use, such as: Annotations. Run your tests in arbitrarily big thread pools (all methods in their own thread, one thread per test class, etc...). Annotations are used to create a unit framework for a test and with the help of it we can divide entire script in independently working individual units. Assertions are as checkpoints to validate web elements properties.

Reporting Mechanism (Default reports, ReportNG reports, XSLT reports)

Although various reporting mechanism are available, but in our Guru application automation we have used ReportNG reporting mechanism. TestNG tool automatically generates default results which are very simple and not very descriptive. ReportNG reporting mechanism provides a way to user to know the details e.g. how many test cases are passed, how many failed, how many ignored, their percentage and any error occurred in HTML format.

XML files
XML files are generally used to build, compile and run the script using ANT from command prompt. XML files help to run the tests in a batch. We can also create an exe of the entire script and then run the script by double clicking the batch icon. XML files provides a way to run the script in multiple platforms such as Linus, Mac and Windows from command prompt with the help of ANT tool. XML files helps to configure the entire tests in well organized way.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.


Although we have certain limitation with Selenium but its powerful enough to automate web application e.g. We have certain challenges ahead e.g. automating attachment pop up, running in a grid.

Queries/Suggestions/Feedback are welcome - Ritesh

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Discussion of integrated modules (Registration, Post Project, Approve Project, Search and view PD page of a project)
Registration()- Created by me. In this module I have created scripts to automate first step of registration covering initial registration. To provide unique value each time I have created RamdomNumberGenerator function. CreateIdentityOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for creating identity information for the second step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. AddLocationOfUser()- Created by me. This is script for adding information for the third step of registration. Also used RamdomNumberGenerator function. PostProject.EmployerPostProject()- Created by me and Devesh. To post a project. testsAdminProjectApprove()- Created by me. To approve projects posted by Employer. testuSubmitProposalOnProject()- Created by me. Initial script for redirecting control to PD page.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

Automation of stable modules

Automation is the process by which generally we automate the manual actions performed on an application. As we are more inclined to automate those modules of the application which are stable. Unstable builds are not the right candidates for automation because of its very nature of frequent changes. Automation of Guru Application using open source but very powerful automation tool : Selenium (Current build version: 2.25.0) Programming languages supported by Selenium: Java, Python, C# and Ruby Browsers supported by Selenium:
Google Chrome 12.0.712.0+ Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 - 32 and 64-bit where applicable Firefox 3.0, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7 to 15 Opera 11.5+ HtmlUnit 2.9 Android 2.3+ for phones and tablets (devices & emulators) iOS 3+ for phones (devices & emulators) and 3.2+ for tablets (devices & emulators)

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux and MAC Selenium build used to automate our Guru Application:

Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver- an interface used to instantiate the browser and operations performed on it) Selenium client driver for Java consists of APIs and JAR files.

Selenium WebDriver with Java as scripting language

Selenium WebDriver provides different capabilities to automate our Guru application e.g. WebElement identification via ID, Name, Class, xpath, CSSLocator, DOM etc. In our scripting of Guru Application we are using Java as a programming language. We can use the all the powerful features of java to automate our sites e.g. Listeners, Action API, Java Utilities etc. Eclipse is the editor where we write our script and run the script.

Automation Test Demo

Prepared by Ritesh Prasad Saw for

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