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It was a cool autumn afternoon; the sun was just setting into the west and the temperature

was dropping to a shivering chill. There was a breeze in the air which threw leaves along an unbeaten path in a deserted area of the country. A crinkling of leaves in the distance was the only sound to be heard in the surrounding miles of Ship Trap Manor. Slowly, as if out of the sunset, a small object appeared growing ever so larger, until two figures could be detected. The pedal cart continued down the path heading up to the seemingly abandon gothic mansion. As the boy hobbled out of the cart he turned just in time to see the vehicle kick up dirt and take off. Dont leave me Brother! The young boy shouted but it was too late, he was only a slow fading memory to the driver of that cart. The child stood there confused and, not knowing what to do, moved toward the looming heavy cast iron doors of the mansion. Slowed by stiffness, the boy reached the doors minutes later and found that they were creaking open by themselves. Upon approaching the empty blackness of the space, a man stumbled out the entrance, yelling, HHHAAAA! You thunk you trapt you, I mean me, here at this forsaken place to rot like rats but you uhh, uhh, what was I saying? Oh! The WINE! I found the wine! Doodle stood there eyeballing the wavering lunatic or drunk or maybe both, he couldnt decide. Who are you? Do you know my Brother? What!? Do you know about Amontillado? The response came back in a slur of words and muffled noises. As if by a specter, a voice came booming in, Gentleman, welcome to my beautiful abode! I think you will find all the qualities you enjoy in life. Anything you can dream of is at the tip of your fingers. Come in gentleman! My servant will escort you to your room. Please get settled in and meet me in the backyard; I hope you like to play games!

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