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Political Science 2940 Introduction to International Politics Citation Exercise Part 1: Using the Chicago Style for documenting

sources and using footnotes, not endnotes: 1. It has defined half a century of peace, stability, prosperity, helped raise living standards...1 2. The Secretary General has been pressured to encourage womens participation and input into matters of conflict resolution and stable peaceful growth. 2 Part 2: 3. As one of the first supporters and founders of the UN, Canada has always been involved in the UNs activities. (S. Goldstein, C. Pevehouse, and Whitworth 225) 4.

European Union, "Basic Information on the European Union." <> (17 January 2012) 2 Laura J. Sheperd Sex, Security and Superhero(in)es: From 1325 to 1820 and Beyond International Feminist Journal of Politics 4 (2011): 507.

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