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Probelm solving ---------------

Problem Solving Dear God, I am faced with a problem that I do not know how to solve. Even though I think I have many problems, in Truth, I only have one problem. My problem is that I for got that I am one with You. As I remember that You are my Infinite Source of abu ndance, wisdom and resources, all of my problems are solved. I am learning that it is helpful to take my attention off my problem (the best I can) and to place it on my oneness with You. On a practical level, I will do what s in front of me t o do, without judgment, while I listen for Your guidance. As I focus on my onene ss with You and the Truth of who I am, I bring light to my situation. I am learn ing that my problems are easily undone in the light of Truth. In the presence of Your love, there is nothing to fear. I dedicate this situation to the Truth, an d trust that peace is inevitable. Thy will be done. Amen

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