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Pre-Webinar/Webinar Questionnaire
Please PRINT THIS document out and answer the first 6 questions IMMEDIATELY. Then
keep this doc beside your computer so you have it ready for the webinar.
Section 1 To Be Completed BEFORE the Webinar.
These questions are designed to assist you to gain insight into your life, your
unconscious programming and the core beliefs behind your counter-productive
repetitive patterns. Dig deep, and prepare to bring these insights to the webinar.

1. Do you feel STUCK in one or more life issues?

Yes - NO
2. What area do you feel gives you the biggest, long-term challenge:
a. Money- Getting it
b. Money-Keeping it
c. Health/body
d. Relationships
e. General Happiness/Meaning
3. Do you ever COMMIT to making a massive change in this area but
find that your old thoughts/feelings pull you back to where youre
Yes - No
Describe your experience of this as best you can. (If your mind
resists you, PUSH through this NOW. _____________

4. Do you ever feel that you operate in unconscious opposition to
yourself? (As if there was a part of you resisting your best
intentions and efforts.)
5. Have you ever begun a new practice or life approach aimed at
improving your life, but then STOPPED before you got the results
you really wanted?
List a few of these experiences: buying exercise equipment,
beginning a meditation practice, etc.
6. What is the FIRST memory that comes up for you when you reflect
on these questions? (If nothing comes up, relax and be willing to
reflect on this over the next hours. When something comes up,
come back to this.) _______________
Section 2 To Be Completed DURING the Webinar.

These questions are designed to help you to get the MOST out of the webinar.
Please review this list of questions at least ONCE before the webinar to prime your
mind and aim it in the direction we will be going in during the webinar.

7. Your _________ ____________ creates ALL of your results on

EVERY topic in your life
8. To experience a massive, immediate quantum JUMP in your life,
you must change your _________________.
9. At the core of the FOUR PRIMARY paradigms, there is a primary
assumption that says you NEED ____________________.

This leads to the addiction to ___________.

Science has now caught up with Hindu science in
determining that the entire Universe and everything in it is made
exclusively of _________________.
12. It is impossible for a human being to ___________________
behave in a manner that is ___________________ with their own
self image.

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