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Is religion important to you? Well it certainly was to the people of Ur and other Sumerian city-states! Here are some interesting facts about the city of Ur. The people of Ur decided that the leaders were no use because when they didnt agree, it led to war. So they decided that they would select a king or queen. Once the king or queen died their place would be passed on to their son or daughter. In Sumerian city-states, the rulers were always kings. The king or queen also had authority to decide over religion, economy, power, and everyday life. Sumerians practiced polytheism, which means the belied in many gods. Some people became farmers, but also did other work in the cities, craft workers, metal workers and builders. However they had to travel long distances to gather and trade raw materials. They traveled in caravans with donkeys full with various goods for trade and sale. In more recent times sailboats and the waterways became the more preferred transportation route. This trade expanded into the Mediterranean Sea and beyond. Originally the city of Ur stood on the banks of the Euphrates River, however the river has changed its course many times. During archaeological digging, the site unveiled that the Euphrates River is now twelve miles from where the city of Ur is. A flood had originally destroyed the village creating an eight-foot layer of mud totally covering the village. They found royal tombs full with precious metals, stones, jewelry and weapons. They also discovered a large temple dedicated to the Sumerian moon god, Nanna, their patron god. During excavations, it was discovered that around 2000 B.C the Euphrates River has changed its course and the city of Ur was abandoned. So as you see religion was very important to the Sumerians, which Ive shown using examples from Ur. I hope you enjoy learning about Sumerians as much as I do!

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