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To exhibit idleness and not performing Salat at proper times is a Major sin

Translated by: Nusrat Ahmed

Edited by: Mamunur Rashid

The Almighty Allah Subhanahu Taala said in the Holy Quran: “Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have
given up As-Salat (the prayers) (i.e. made their Salat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering
them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.) and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown
in Hell. Except those who repent and believe (in the Oneness of Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (SAWS), and
work righteousness. Such will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged in aught.”
[Surah Al-Maryam (19:59:60)]

It is reported by Hajrat Ibn Abbas (RA) that the meaning of destroying Salat is not only to completely give it up or
abandon it. Instead it also means to perform Salat after its appropriate time or to make it “Kazaa” (to delay one Salat
until it is time for the next one.) A well known Tabeyi, Hajrat Syed Ibnul Musayeb (RA) has said that it means to keep
one Salat hanging until it is time for the subsequent one. The person who delays Salat in this manner and dies without
seeking repentance, Almighty Allah has threatened him to be casted into a well called “Gaai”, which is a very disgusting
and dirty place in Hell. The Almighty Allah subhanahu Taala said in the Holy Quran:

“So woe to those performers of Salat (prayers) (hypocrites). Those who delay their Salat (Prayers from their stated
fixed times).”
[Surah Al-Maun (107:4:5)]

Hazrat Sa’aad Bin Abi Wakkas (RA) said: I asked Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) about the people who are lazy in
performing Salat He (SAWS) replied, “Although those who delay Salat from their fixed timings are named as Muslims
but, due to laziness and delay in performing Salat, they have been warned of “Wayyel”.

[Musnad of Ahmad & Musnad of Al-Bazzar]

“Wayyel” means fearful punishment. According to Musnad of Ahmad and Musnad of Al-Bazzar “Wayyel” is such an
extremely hot valley in hell that if all the mountains and volcanoes of the earth were to be casted in it, they would burn
violently and melt instantly. Though Ibn kathir said it is Munkar and ghareeb narration, according to him it actually
means “the opposite of safety and surviving” Thus, this place has been predestined as a final dwelling place for those
who are idle and delay in performing Salat and die without seeking repentance sincerely.

The Almighty Allah subhanahu Taala has declared in the Holy Quran: “O you who believe let not your properties or
your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah and whosoever does that, then they are the losers.”

[Surah Al-Munafiqun (63:9)]

The scholars of the Holy Quran Have explained: In the above ayah “the remembrance of Allah” means to pray the five
times of Salat in a day. So, those who do not perform at stated times because of being busy in earning wealth; as in
looking after his trade and business, agriculture and properties and fulfilling the needs of his family will suffer great loss
Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) has said. “On the day of Judgment, the first thing the people will be asked to account for
amongst their deeds is Salat. If it was good (correct and complete) then all his others deeds will be the same and if it is
not then all his deeds will be corrupted.”
[ Sunan Al-Nasayee & Ibn Majah]

Regarding the state of those who will be in the Hell, Allah Subhanbahu Ta’ala has said: “What has caused you to enter
Hell?” They will say: "We were not of those who used to offer their Salat (prayers) “Nor we used to feed Al-Miskin
(the poor); “And we used to talk falsehood (all that which Allah hated) with vain talkers. “ And we used to belie the
Day of Recompense “Until there came to us (the death) that is certain.” So no intercession of intercessors will be of
any use to them.”
Surah Al-Muddaththir (74:42:48)

Our Beloved prophet Muhammad (SAWS) has said, “Salat is the first thing that differentiates us Muslims (believers)
from the non-muslims (non-believers). He, who has abandoned salat, has indeed disbelieved”

[Ahmed, Abu Dawood, Nasayi, Tirmidhi]

Another Hadith states, “For a Mumin, becoming a kaafir (Disbeliever) is just as far away as leaving Salat.”

[Ahmed, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Nasayi, Tirmidhi]

Imam Bukhari narrated: Said our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), “He who has missed Asr Salat has wasted all
his good deeds.” Mentioned in the Sunan (Hadith) Books: Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) has said, “He who has left
Salat at will has left the care of Allah.” He (SAWS) also said, “I have been ordered to fight with the people until they
declare that there is no Lord but Allah and offers salat and give Zakah. When they will perform them perfectly, their
life and wealth will be safe from my hands unless without proper reason. They shall be accountable to Allah.”

[Bukhari , Muslim]

Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) said in another Hadith, “The person who will offer Salat appropriately, on the Day of
Judgement, it will appear to him and light his way and grant him relief. But for those who will not offer Salat
appropriately, neither will it be their glittering lamp nor will it accompany them or grant them relief. Rather they shall
find themselves amongst Pharaoh, Kaarun, Haaman and Ubai Bin Khalaf on the day of Judgement.”

[Ahmed, Tabarani]

With reference to the context of the above Hadith some scholars have said: the reason why those who do not perform
Salat accordingly will be counted as companions to the above mentioned four Kaafirs is that they abandon Salat for four
different reasons:

(i) Who leaves Salat for earning money and for protecting wealth shall be resurrected in the day of Qyamah with
Kaarun and be with him.

(ii) Who leaves Salat for being tied up in national or political issues shall be resurrected in the day of Qyamah
with Pharaoh and be with him.

(iii) Who leaves Salat for administrative reasons shall be resurrected in the day of Qyamah with Hamaan and be
with him.

(iv) Who leaves salat due to job or trade affairs shall be resurrected in the day of Qyamah with Meccan
businessman Ubai Bin Khalaf be with him in the Hell.

Hazrat Omar (RA) has said, “The leavers of salat will not be able to avail any opportunities offered by Islam and will
not have any assurance of security.” Narrated by Imam Ahmed from Ma’aaz Bin Jabaal (RA): Allah’s Messenger
(SAWS) said, “He who leaves compulsory Salat intentionally shall be expelled from the care and responsibility of
Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala.”
[Ahmed, Tabarani]
Imam Baihaki narrated from his own chain: Hazrat Omar (RA) has said, “A man appeared in the presence of Prophet
Muhammad (SWS) and asked Him „O Allah’s apostle! Which deed of Islam is most liked by Allah? “Allah’s
Messenger (SWS) replied „To perform Salat at proper times. He who has left Salat has left his religion (Islam). Salat
is a pillar of Religion (Islam).”

Once when Hazrat Omar (RA) was wounded by an assailant, He was called upon “O Amirul Muminin(The Supreme
leader of Muslims) ! It is time for Salat, “He answered “Yes, I shall perform salat. He who abandons it has no
relation with Islam.” Then He offered his Salat, although blood was trickling down from His would.

Tabeyi Hazrat Abdullah Bin Shakik (RAH) said that the companion of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) did not consider
the leaving of any good deeds to kufri other than the leaving of Salat. Hazrat Ali (RA) said, “He who doesn’t offer Salat
is a Kaafir.”
[Tirmidhi, Hakeem]
Hazrat Ibn Mas’ud (RA) said, “He who doesn’t pray Salat cannot claim to have any religion.” Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA)
narrated: The person who willingly leaves even one time of Salah shall earn Allah’s wrath upon meeting Him.

[Muhammad Bin Nasr]

Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) has said, “The person who doesn’t perform Salat, Allah will not accept any of his good
deeds, Thus, every good deed of his shall be useless and unaccounted for.”
[Tabarani ]

Imam Ibn Hazm (RAH) said, “The most hateful amongst the major sins, after shirks, is to delay in performing Salat
and to kill a Mumin unlawfully.” Aiyub Shukhtiyani (RAH) has said the same as Hazrat Ibrahim Nakhyi (RAH): He
who has left salat has acted like a Kaafir

Narrated by Hazrat Abdulillah Bin Amar Ibnul Aas (RA) Our Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said, “The prayers of
three people will not be accepted by Allah. They are (i) A person who leads others in the Salat while those who pray
behind him dislike that (ii) The person who diminishes the freedom of an independent man and (iii) The person who
prays salat after its fixed stated time.”
[Abu Dawood]
(i) Scholars identified that to be accepted when they have valid Islamic reason to dislike him leading them.

It is narrated in Sunani Abu Dawood that Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) has said, “When a child steps in the age of
seven, order him for Salat, when he steps in the age of ten, punish him for not praying Salat”. (In another description,
the phrase “separate his bed” has been added.)

The opinions of various Imams differ regarding the punishment for the leavers of Salat as per Islamic Shariyah. Imam
Malik, Imam Shafeyi and Imam Ahmed are of opinion that those who willingly abandon Salat should be beheaded.
Then again on the subject of whether a person shall become a kaafir if, without fair reason, he doesn’t offer Salat within
the fixed stated times, Hazrat Ibrahim Nakhyi, Aiyub Shukhtiyani, Abdullah bin Mubarak, Ahmed Ibn Hambal and
Ish’haak bin Rahwah (RAH) said, “The leavers of Salat without proper cause will be considered as kaafirs at the end of
the stated time of the Salat.” As evidence they have presented a hadith that states: Allah’s messenger (SAWS) said,
“The difference between a Mumin and a Kaafir is the act of abandoning Salat.”

It is narrated by Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA): On the Day of Judgement, a man will be made to stand before Allah on His
bench, Allah will order him to be casted into Hell. The man will plead “Ya Allah! Why such an order?” Allah
Subhanahu Ta’ala will announce “For delaying in offering Salat and for swearing falsely upon Me. “ Allah’s
Messenger (SAWS) unitedly prayed for His Companions: “Ya Allah! Do not make us imprisoned and unfortunate.”
Then He (SAWS) asked the companions who were present: “Do you know who are the imprisoned and unfortunate?”
The Companions said: “Allah and His Messenger knows the best!” In reply the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said,
“Those who have abandoned Salat.”

It has been narrated in another Hadith that the first to have their face blackened on the Day of Judgement are those who
do not offer Salat. There is a valley called “Mulhaam” in Hell, which is filled with innumerable snakes. Each snake is as
thick as the neck of a Camel and as long as the distance covered in one month. They will be striking the leavers of Salat
and poison of each bite will remain effective for seventy years, so that their flesh will rot and crumble.

Following is an event in History: A woman from Bani Israel appeared in the court of Prophet Musa (ASM) and urged,
“O Allah’s Messenger! I have committed a great sin, for which I have repented to Allah. Please pray for me as if Allah
forgives me and accepts my repentance?” Prophet Musa (ASM) asked, “What was your sin?” she replied, “I had
conceived a child through adultery and later on killed it.” Prophet Musa (ASM) said, “O Nasty Woman! Leave this place
immediately or fire from the Sky shall shower upon us and burn us.” Broken hearted, the woman left the court. At once
Angel Gabriel (Jibrael) came down and said, “O Musa! Allah wants to know, though He is All-knowing, why you have
turned away this repentant? Do you not see those who are inferior than her?” Prophet Musa (ASM) then asked, “O
Gabriel (Jibrael)! Who can be more inferior and sinful than her?” Angel Gabriel (Jibrael) replied, “THOSE WHO

Thus, if the result of delaying salat without due reason is so fearful, is it not worth pondering the consequence of
abandoning Salat completely? May Allah Subhanahu Ta‟ala grant us the ability to offer salat at its fixed stated
times .Ameen!


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