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Guru VPN Setup

If you have window 7 1. In IE browser navigate to 2. You will get a screen that looks like the following. In the lower right section of the login panel click on: Click here for sslvpn login. 3. The next screen is where you will log in using your GURU network username and password. Input your username and password and click login. (by using Guru credential of yours, if you are new to guru you can use others for now) 4. Upon logging in you will get the Welcome to the SonicWall Virtual Office screen. Click on NetExtender to install the VPN client and start up a VPN connection. 5. Run add-on at the top of the page. 6. Click on the NetExtender icon again after the add-on is installed. 7. The VPN is now connected. You can minimize the VPN connection to your taskbar. Click on the icon when you are ready to disconnect. 8. The Sonicwall VPN NetExtender is now installed your computer. In the future you can just open it by going to Start > Programs > Sonicwall. 9. In which Domain: a2zmoonlighter And SSL-VPN Sever: Username and Password will be Your Credential given by guru for you. If you have vista 1. You have to install NetScreen-Remote in your system. 2. Connect VPN by using guru credentials.

Guru TFS Setup

1. Open VS 2010 2. Go to Connect to Team foundation server under Team Tab, new window connect to Team Project will open. 3. Click on Servers, a new window Add/Remove Team Foundation Server will open. 4. Click on Add, a new window Add Team foundation Server will open 5. Name of the Url of Team foundation server: 6. Path: tfs 7. Port number: 8080 8. Protocol: http 9. Click ok

Get source code of Guru Branches

1. Connect with TFS. 2. Go to Source Control under File menu of VS2010.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Click Workspaces to set Local path where you want to keep your project. New window Manage workspaces will open. Click Add and set Local path under given table of working folders. Click ok In Team Explorer go to source control under GEM where different branches of guru modules are available to get. 7. Right click on any project Branch which you want to get first. 8. Click Get latest version

Changes in Web.config to connect with database:

Database name: GuruDevServer Datasource name: guru_primary Server name : Username: gurudb Password: 12345678



<datasource name="guru_primary" databasename="GuruDevServer" drivername="com.newatlanta.NET.sql.Driver" drivertype="0" description=" database connection" hoststring="jdbc:ADO.NET:sqlserver://,1433/GuruDevServer" initstring="" connectstring="" maxconnections="24" logintimeout="120" connectiontimeout="120" maxlivetime="1800" maxusage="1000" connectionretries="0" port="1433" servername="" username="gurudb" password="12345678" sqlupdate="true" sqlselect="true" sqldelete="true" sqlinsert="true" sqlstoredprocedures="true" perrequestconnections="false" />

2. ..\GuruFramework\Guru.Configuration\Configs\Components\NHibernate\Primary\NHiberna teSession.guruserver-guruSQL_Feedback.config
<property name="connection.connection_string">server=;database=GuruDevServer ;User ID=gurudb;Password=12345678;Connect Timeout=180;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;</property> <property name="default_schema">GuruDevServer.dbo</property>

IIS setup for localhost:

1. Go to application pool with name: DefaultAppPool .net framework version: .Net Framework v2.0.50727 Manage pipeline mode: Integrated

2. website Website name: Default web site Select Application pool as DefaultAppPool Physical path: (where your project is till Marketplace)...\Websites\Marketplace Bindings of Default web site: edit in Https as port 443 And make certificate guru-cert and select it as ssl certificate.

Generate MKlink for Project:


open cmd and paste mklink for example:

Mklink D:\Projects\GEM\Branch\TimeTracking\Websites\Marketplace\bin\Guru.Configuration.DLL.config D:\Projects\GEM\Branch\TimeTracking\GuruFramework\Guru.Configuration\Configs\Environments\Envir onment.dbydx-trunk.config

SharePoint Path for BRS Documents and MockUps: Login by using Guru Credential

Path to get workitems of Guru
Team Foundation Server URL: http://guru-dev:8080 Username and password will be Guru Credential of yours.

Employer Username: a.dbydx Password: 12345678 Freelancer Username: c.dbydx Password: 12345678 Admin Username: rsharma Password: password

Visit localhost
Employer Username: a.dbydx Password: 12345678 Freelancer Username: c.dbydx Password: 12345678 Admin Username: mrawat Password: rawat

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