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Colgio Desembargador Dilermando de Meireles Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa Turma: 9 ano Prof: Calina Data:


Avaliao 1- Relacione as colunas de acordo com o significado correto: Get off Algodo doce


Montanha russa

Roller Coster


Contton candy


2- Marque a altenativa que complete corretamente as frases com o past continuons. We ___________ eating the cotton candy. I ___________ wating in line. a- Be- was b- Were- was c- Be- were

3- Complete com there is, there are, is there e are there: A _________________ a cat under the bed? B__________________ four pens on the table. C__________________ two birds in the nest? D_________________ a mouse in the box.

4) Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase. My father _______________ on the sofa? a) was sleeping. b) were sleeping. c) were sleep. d) was sleep

5) Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase Present Perfect. Joe and I _______________ to study Math. a) havent stopped b) not have stopped c) has not stopped d) has stopped not.

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